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Configure the CA Automation Point Interface

There are three parts to configuring CA OPS/MVS for communications with CA Automation Point:

To Set Up the CA OPS/MVS and CA Automation Point Interface

  1. Install CA Automation Point on the PC workstation following the instructions found in the CA Automation Point Installation Guide.
  2. The CCI component of CCS must be installed on the CA Automation Point system. Either installing the CA OPS/MVS interface or the CA Event Manager interface from the CA Automation Point install CD accomplishes this.

    Note: This step is not required if the CA Event Manager component is already installed on the PC workstation.

  3. On your CA OPS/MVS system, set up the MSF to use CCI as a means of communication. For more information, see the Installation Guide.

    Note: The MSF requires a separate LMP key. Ensure that your site has this key.

  4. Define a CA Automation Point system to MSF using the ADDRESS OPSCTL MSF DEFINE host command.

    The CA OPS/MVS MSF connection uses CAICCI to let CA OPS/MVS communicate directly with CA Automation Point.

    The ADDRESS OPSCTL 'MSF DEFINEā€¦' AP keyword, when specified on a remote CA OPS/MVS system, separates functions that are allowed to communicate with CA Automation Point and functions that are not supported. When you use the AP keyword, the connection automatically defaults to a CCI connection and is internally marked as a special AP-type CCI connection. Externally, the connection type indicates AP. For more information, see the User Guide.

    To define a remote CA Automation Point system to MSF, do one of the following on your CA OPS/MVS system:

    When defining a CA Automation Point system to MSF, note the following required settings:


  5. On your CA OPS/MVS system, set the following parameters for CA OPS/MVS initialization:

    For details on these parameters, see the Parameter Reference.

    Note: At this point, CA Automation Point should already be installed. Continue with the following steps to set up the interface between CA OPS/MVS and CA Automation Point.

  6. On the CA Automation Point system, perform the following:
    1. Click Start on the taskbar, and then choose Automation Point, Configuration Manager.
    2. Expand Expert Interface, and then expand Automation.
    3. Double click Session Definition Sets.
    4. Expand Session Definition Set 1, click Function Windows, and then verify that the CA OPS/MVS messages are enabled.
    5. On the Configuration Manager screen, expand Events Interface, and then double click the CA OPS/MVS interface to open the CCI Configuration dialog box.
  7. Under CCI Remote Configuration, click Edit to modify the REMOTE statements. Following is an example of a REMOTE statement along with information on how to obtain the values for the parameters designated by (A), (B), and (C):
    REMOTE=MVSHOST MVSHOST 32768 startup PORT=7000
                   (A)         (C)                                    (B)
    1. To obtain the value for the TCP Host Name, go to the ISPF Command Shell on the mainframe and issue the HOMETEST command. A response similar to the following example appears:

      TCP Host Name is: USSYSAMY

      where USSYSAMY is the value of the first MVSHOST parameter in the REMOTE statement above.

    2. To obtain the value for the PORT parameter, issue the NETSTAT command. Under the USER ID column, look for CCITCPGW with a state of LISTEN. A value similar to the following will be under Local Socket:


      where 2323 is the replacement value for 7000 in the REMOTE statement above.

    3. To obtain the value for the CCINAME parameter, enter the command
      F ENF,DIS,SYSID. A response similar to the following example appears:
      CAS9214I - CA-ENF Command: DIS,SYSID 
      CAS9720I - CCI SYSID(A44IENF)

      where A44IENF is the value is of the second MVSHOST parameter in the REMOTE statement above.

      The remote definition will look like the following example after you have entered in the values for the parameters:

      REMOTE=USILDAMY A44IENF 32768 startup PORT=2323

    d. Repeat steps A through C for each remote system.

  8. To resolve name conflicts, you can also assign an ALIAS name to the local machine:
    LOCAL=APPROD1 APPROD1 32768 startup PORT=1721

    Typically, you should not have to change the LOCAL statement. However, if your CA Automation Point Windows machine has a name containing over eight characters or its name conflicts with another name in your network, then you can use the ALIAS parameter on the LOCAL statement to override the APPLID. For example:

    LOCAL=APPROD1 APPROD1 32768 startup PORT=1721 ALIAS=APNEW1

    To use this ALIAS name, you must change the value of APPLID on the MSF DEFINE command on the mainframe for the remote system to match. For example:

  9. Save and exit Notepad.
  10. Click OK on the CCI Configuration screen. The CA Remote service should recycle.
  11. On the CA OPS/MVS Event Traffic Configuration screen under Available MSF Nodes, click the OPS ID that you want to include, and then click Include. The selected OPS ID appears in the Selected MSF nodes window.

    To include all of the OPS IDs, click Include All.

    Note: The OPS ID appears under Available MSF Nodes once the local MSF system in CA OPS/MVS is active.

  12. Click Save.

    If CA Automation Point is running, then you receive a message stating that the changes will be saved but will not take effect until the OPS Communication Interface is recycled. To recycle the OPS Communication Interface, click Yes.