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DISPLAY CHPID Command—Displays CHPID Information

The DISPLAY CHPID command displays information about one or more managed channel paths.

For a description of the display, see message OPS5680I. For a description of the display, see message OPS5750I.

This command has the following syntax:

Display  CHPid [chpspec]  [MAXLines=nn]  [Count=nn] [DETail=level]
  [GLObal | LOCal] [SYStem=sysspec]  [DEVid|ID=string]

(Optional) Specifies the channel paths to be displayed. This may be a single CHPID, a range of CHPIDs, a list of CHPIDs, or a combination of both. Each CHPID is a one- or two-digit hexadecimal number.

If not specified, information is shown about each managed channel path.