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Format of Input Records for OPARLGIF

Input records for the archive information program are free form; they support input data that is either numbered or unnumbered, in either fixed or variable format. To include comments in the archive request, start the comment with the characters /* and end it with the characters */.

To continue an archive request onto the next input record, place a trailing continuation character (+ or -) at the end of the first record. The - continuation character places a blank between the last non-blank, non-continuation character on the current record and the first non-blank character on the next record. The + continuation character does not place a blank between the two characters. When a keyword and its values are incomplete on a record, use the + character to continue a keyword and its value across records.

Following are examples of continuing a record:

The OPSLOG archive information control statement has the following syntax:

ARCHINFO  {DSNAME(datasetname)}

Specifies the name of the data set that contains the OPSLOG archive. This keyword has no default value.


(Optional) Specifies the relative generation number of the specified data set, which can be any number between -9999 and 0. If the data set is not a GDG, then omit this keyword. If you want a particular generation of GDG and do not know the relative generation number, then you can specify the actual generation number through GDGNUM. You can also specify the fully qualified data set name in the DSNAME keyword and omit the GDGNUM keyword.

The DSNAME keyword is required. All keywords have abbreviations that are the minimum unique characters in the keyword (for example, DSNAME, DSNAM, DSNA, DSN, DS, D, and GDGNUM, GDGNU, and GDGN). You can specify keywords in any order, but a duplicate keyword will be flagged as an error. Because future additions to CA OPS/MVS may change control statement syntax, we recommend that you use complete keywords rather than minimum unique abbreviations.