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Execute OPARLGCR Through ISPF

When executed in an ISPF environment, OPARLGCR alters its input or output depending upon the first parameter. If the first parameter is NOISPF, then input is from SYSIN and output messages go to SYSPRINT. If the first parameter is not NOISPF, then input/output is to and from ISPF tables.

The input ISPF table name must be OPARCRIn where n is the logical screen number of the session as set in the ISPF variable ZSCREEN. This table must be created, or opened, and all entries added before control is passed to OPARLGCR. The table must contain a field named OPARCRCS. This variable can have a maximum length of two characters. Each entry in the table can contain a complete archive request or only part of a request. If the entry contains only part of a request, then it must end in a valid continuation character.

The output message ISPF table name is OPARCROn where n is the logical screen number of the session as set in the ISPF variable ZSCREEN. OPARLGCR creates and replaces this table. It will have one field named OPARCRMG, which can have a maximum length of two characters. Each message that would have been written to SYSPRINT will be in the table.