Previous Topic: OPSLOG Archival (12.1 and Earlier)Next Topic: Set the Archive Parameters (12.1 and Earlier)

Install the OPSLOG Archive System (12.1 and Earlier)

After you install the archive system, you can start archiving routine OPSLOG data.

To install the OPSLOG Archive System

  1. Set the data set name and the unit, using either the BROWSEARCHIVEDSN and BROWSEARCHIVEUNIT parameters or archive request statements in the OPARLGCR program.
  2. Build the Generation Data Group (GDG).
  3. Access the Application Parameter Manager, which is OPSVIEW option 2.A, and set the appropriate archive-system parameter variables.
  4. Add your installation job information to the archive job JCL.
  5. Modify your security rules.
  6. Auto-enable all appropriate rules or ensure that they are always enabled when CA OPS/MVS starts.