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Maintain the SSM Resource Table

AOF message rules CPM1602I and CPM1603I automatically maintain the status of each CA CPM v3 monitored flow as an SSM resource (table entry) in the special SSM table (with default name of CPM_SSM_TABLE). The flow resources can be in one of the following SSM states:

Each SSM resource in the SSM resource table displays as a flow icon on the SSMO workstation. The flow icon color depicts the SSM state of the flow. Any update to the SSM resource table by either message rule is automatically sent to an SSMO workstation to update the display of the flow icon.

A new SSM resource is created by either message rule whenever it detects a flow for the first time. Thereafter, that SSM resource always exists in the SSM resource table until manually deleted.

For a description of how to manually delete an SSM resource, see the User Guide.