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SE/HMC API Support Using a DLL

The SE/HMC API is supported through a DLL provided by IBM. This DLL communicates with the SE/HMC workstation through SNMP over TCP/IP. CA OPS/MVS provides a set of functions to make these capabilities available from either OPS/REXX or TSO/E REXX.

For information on how to configure the HMC to use the API, see the IBM System z9 and e-server Application Programming Interfaces manual (SB10-7030). This manual also provides instructions for obtaining a copy of the DLL, from the SE/HMC workstation or from an IBM web site.

In the following illustration, each box labeled CPC is a processor complex such as a z800 or z900. Each processor hosts one or more LPARs (logical partitions).

SE/HMC API Support Using a DLL