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DISPLAY SWITCH Command—Displays Switch Information

The DISPLAY SWITCH command displays information about one or more managed switches. For a description of the local format of the display, see the message ID OPS5770I. For a description of the global format of the display, see message OPS5760I.

This command has the following syntax:

Display  SWitch  [switches][portlist][BLocked|DEDicated][MAXLines=nn]
  [DETail=level]  [GLObal | LOCal] [SYStem=sysspec]  [DEVid|ID=string]

(Optional) Specifies the switches for which information is to be displayed.

If not specified, information is shown about each managed switch.


(Optional) Specifies the ports on the specified switches for which detail information is to be displayed.

If omitted and DETAIL=PORTS is specified, information displays about all ports on each specified switch.

Note: You can also use the PDCM attribute when using DETAIL=(PORTS) command to display port connectivity matrix bytes 0-1F in addition to the port information.



(Optional) Includes only the currently blocked ports.


(Optional) Includes only the ports that are currently part of a static connection.