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Syntax of the definitions file

To define a PPRC path, use following syntax:

PSITE(): PRIM(ssid wwnn lss) SEC(ssid wwnn lss) LINK(X’pfca1sfca1’ X’pfca2sfca2’ …)

To define a PPRC mirror volumes pair, use following syntax:

DEVN(devid) PRIM(ssid serial cca lss) SEC(ssid serial cca lss) #VOL(volcnt)

For a description of every parameter, see ADDRESS SOF PPRCCMD request types in the CA OPS/MVS Command and Function Reference Guide.

Example of defining one path and one mirror volumes pair:

PSITE(): PRIM(8400 5005076308FFC641 02) SEC(8500 5005076308FFC641 03) +
LINK(X'00330233' X'01030303' )
DEVN(8419) PRIM(8400 0000000MC711 19 02) SEC(8500 7500000MC711 19 03) #VOL(1)

Note: You can use the plus sign to continue with the command on to the next line.