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SET Command—Modifies Parameters

The SET command modifies the operating parameters of the SOF server.

This command has the following syntax:

SET  [Autoopen={YES|NO}]

Controls whether the SOF server automatically allocates and opens each discovered switch. Unless a switch is allocated and open, connectivity changes to the switch are not possible.

Default: YES

Note: The status of individual switches may be modified using the REMOVE and RESTORE commands.


Specifies the CCI application name for CCI communication.

All SOF servers using the same CCI application name become members of an SOF complex and share their configuration information. Multiple SOF complexes can be run simultaneously by using a different CCI application name for each SOF complex.

Place a SET CCIAPPLNAME command in the INITCMDS file to define an SOF server to an alternate SOF complex using an alternate CCI application name. To facilitate the use of OPSVIEW option 3.5, the CCI application name should begin with OPsof. The CCI application name is not case-sensitive.

Default: OPsofServer


Specifies the number of minutes between automatic checks for an external modification. Each time this interval expires, SOF queries each managed switch to determine whether any port or options have been modified externally. This modification can be either by other host software, or by a user at the Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Server console.

Default: 15

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 60


Specifies a list of one to four file specifications for the checkpoint files. Each specification may be a ddname reference of the form DD:ddname, the name of a file within a mounted HFS or zFS in compatibility mode, or the name of a z/OS data set of the form //dsname.

Abbreviation: CKPTFile


Specifies the minimum number of minutes between automatic checkpoints.

Default: 10

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 60


This parameter controls whether output for commands routed to a remote SOF server is also written to the remote server log. The response is always logged in the local SOF server regardless of this option.

Default: NO


Specifies whether SOF can enable the PPRC functions.


Specifies that SOF can enable the PPRC functions.


Specifies that SOF cannot enable the PPRC functions.

Default: NO


Specifies, in minutes, the amount of time between heartbeat messages.

When SOF detects that a peer has not sent a heartbeat message within the allotted time, the system is placed into a late state. As long as any system is late, SOF will reject all connectivity commands, until the late systems send a heartbeat, or until the late system is reset through a RESET SYSTEM command.

Default: 15 minutes


Specifies the name for the SOF log file, which may be a ddname reference of the form DD:ddname, the name of a file within a mounted HFS or zFS in compatibility mode, the z/OS data set name of the form //dsname, or OPS:OPSLOG, which represents the OPS/MVS log.

Default: 'DD:OPIOLOG'


Specifies the level of SOF messages written to the SOF LOG file. This excludes SOF trace messages activated by the TRACE option, which are always written. Each possible level is listed here from least to most amount of messages written. Each successive level in the list includes messages written for every prior listed level:


Indicates fatal error messages are logged.


Indicates critical error messages are logged.


Indicates all error messages are logged.


Indicates warning messages are logged.


Indicates input commands and responses are logged.


Indicates informational messages are logged.


Indicates extra informational messages are logged, mostly details of discovery.

Default: Normal


Specifies, in milliseconds, the minimum time between outgoing CCI messages. This is necessary on some platforms, to avoid CCI errors caused by sending messages too quickly.

Default: 0


Specifies the three-byte message prefix for all SOF messages.

Default: OPS


Specifies, in seconds, the amount of time allotted for switch port changes to resolve before bringing dependent paths and devices online.

Default: 1

Note: If you frequently encounter message OPS5966 after port changes, increase the time.


Specifies, as a hexadecimal device number pair, a continuous range of DASD volumes, which then become the only allowable primary volumes in a mirror volume pair relationship. This parameter can be used while testing to ensure that production volumes are not overwritten.

Alias: PprcPDev

Default: 0000:ffff

Note: The primary and secondary volumes are reversed during a Disaster Recovery or Planned Outage situation. Therefore, CA OPS/MVS does not currently check whether volumes are primary or secondary.


Specifies, as a hexadecimal device number pair, a continuous range of DASD volumes, which then become the only allowable secondary volumes in a mirror volume pair relationship. This parameter can be used while testing to ensure that production volumes are not overwritten.

Alias: PprcSDev

Default: 0000:ffff

Note: The primary and secondary volumes are reversed during a Disaster Recovery or Planned Outage situation. Therefore. CA OPS/MVS does not currently check whether volumes are primary or secondary.


Controls the use of checkpoint data at SOF restart. If YES is specified, SOF reloads the environment from the most recently written checkpoint file. If NO is specified, SOF ignores all checkpoint data. This is normally specified in the PARM field for the SOF server, not in a SOF PARM data set.


Specifies, in minutes, the amount of time to retain the connectivity command results after command completion.

Default: 15

Note: Use the PURGE command to remove the results from individual commands.


Indicates opts is a string of runtime options which should be passed to all subtasks.

Default: trap(on)


Controls whether device information is shared among the SOF servers. Specifying NO reduces the amount of virtual storage used by each of the servers, which makes some of the displays less informative.

Default: YES


Specifies, in kilobytes, the amount of storage to be acquired whenever additional storage is needed. Each acquired block is subdivided as needed by SOF.

Default: 1024, which is the minimum amount that may be specified.


Specifies, in seconds, the length of the timer used to periodically awaken time-driven SOF components.

Default: 60


Specifies the types of SOF generated trace messages written to the SOF LOG file. Trace messages are written to the SOF LOG file regardless of the setting of the LOGLEVEL option. Specification of any combination of the following types will turn on the described tracing:


All tracing


CCI tracing 


Checkpoint read/write routine tracing


Operator command processor tracing


Formatted control block tracing

Abbreviation: CB


Formatted data buffer tracing


Configuration discovery tracing


ENF processor tracing


Module/function entry tracing


Event processor tracing


Module/function exit tracing


No tracing


Non-zero return code tracing

Abbreviation: RC


Switch-related channel programs tracing


Vary online or offline tracing

Note: To turn off an individual trace type, prefix the type with NO. For example, the following command turns on all tracing except for CCI:

'Set Trace=(ALL,NOCCI)'

The following types may be specified to toggle tracing off or on while retaining all of the previously specified trace types:


Toggle tracing off while retaining all previously specified trace types.


Toggle tracing on of all previously specified trace types.


Specifies whether SOF can automatically enable User Alert Mode for each switch immediately after completing configuration discovery. When User Alert mode is enabled, the Enterprise Connectivity Server (EFC) sends a general warning indication to the EFC user when the user attempts an action which updates the switch status or parameters.

Note: The message is a reminder that the switch is being managed by host software, namely SOF.


Specifies that SOF can enable User Alert mode for each managed switch.


Specifies that SOF cannot change the status of User Alert mode for each managed switch.

Default: NO


Specifies the device classes that are eligible for VARY ONLINE processing. You can specify any combination of the following, enclosed in parentheses if more than one is specified:


Specifies no devices should be varied online.


Varies all devices online.


Varies character devices online.


Varies CTC devices online.


Varies communication devices online.


Varies direct access storage devices online.


Varies display devices online.


Varies tape devices online.


Varies unit record devices online.

Default: None.

Note: During VARY ONLINE processing, device paths are varied online unless the NOVARY option is in effect. Devices are varied online by SOF only if the appropriate device class is enabled. However, an API rule can selectively bring devices online by acting on the OPSOFVARYxx events.