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Optional Features

CA OPS/MVS has a number of facilities that are not necessarily applicable to every environment. For this reason, these facilities are packaged as optional features. A list of these optional features follows:

CICS Operations Facility (COF)

The CICS Operations Facility (COF) is an interface between CA OPS/MVS and CICS that extends the capability for AOF rule processing to CICS messages, which are written only to CICS transient data queues. This additional message traffic expands the number of automatable events that you can use to control CICS subsystems. Events that are visible to AOF rules using the COF include terminal failures, the logon and logoff activities of the user, and journal switches.

With the COF interface installed, a single copy of CA OPS/MVS can handle an unlimited number of CICS address spaces.

Critical Path Monitoring (CPM)

CA Critical Path Monitoring (CA CPM) Version 3 monitors the performance of groups of batch jobs (flows) against user-defined deadlines. CA CPM Version 3 works in conjunction with any of the CA scheduling products (CA 7 WA, CA Scheduler, and CA Jobtrac) to provide this functionality. By interfacing CA OPS/MVS with CA CPM Version 3, information on monitored flows can be viewed using a web-enabled or Windows user interface on a CA NSM SSM CA OPS/MVS Option workstation.

Expert Systems Interface (ESI)

The Expert Systems Interface (ESI) Application Programming Interface, or OPSLINK, accesses selected CA OPS/MVS facilities from an application that is written in either a high-level language or assembler language.

Specific uses of the ESI include executing operator commands, executing TSO commands (when running under TSO TMP interactively or in batch), and accessing and updating the CA OPS/MVS global variables.

Hardware Services (HWS)

Hardware Services (HWS) provides the ability to automate hardware (HMC) functions. Through HWS, hardware event notifications are captured as CA OPS/MVS Generic API events. The Rule-based automation can be designed for hardware events such as hardware message events, security events, and operating system message events. An additional host environment is provided to automate responses and hardware interaction through hardware commands, as well as the retrieval and updating of system attributes.

High Availability (PPRC)

This High Availability Option provides the capability to display and configure Peer to Peer Remote Copy (PPRC) paths and mirror volumes.

The High Availability Option benefits you in the following ways:

IMS Operations Facility (IOF)

The IMS Operations Facility (IOF) is an interface between CA OPS/MVS and IMS that extends the CA OPS/MVS facilities to IMS. For example, you can write AOF rules that process IMS messages, and you can use OPSVIEW to operate IMS.

A single copy of CA OPS/MVS can handle up to 32 copies of IMS. If you run multiple copies of IMS under the control of one copy of CA OPS/MVS, the copies of IMS may be any combination of IMS levels that CA OPS/MVS supports.

Multi-System Facility (MSF)

The Multi-System Facility (MSF) extends the facilities of CA OPS/MVS into the multiple-CPU and multiple-site environment. The MSF establishes VTAM, XCF, or TCP/IP sessions between copies of CA OPS/MVS, permitting any copy to issue a command to any other copy and to receive its response.

The MSF also facilitates the connection to CA Automation Point through a TCP/IP connection using the CCI services of CCS for z/OS.

Switch Operations Facility (SOF)

The Switch Operations Facility (SOF) automates I/O configuration management through the following features: