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HWS Configuration and Start-up

To activate HWS, set the INITHWS parameter to YES:


Setting INITHWS to YES activates the general HWS components, including the ADDRESS HWS host command environment. In order to activate hardware event notification, parameter HWSRULES must also be set to YES:


When HWSRULES is set to YES, CA OPS/MVS provides the hardware event notification in the form of API events that can be automated through )API rules.

Note: For more detailed information about the hardware event types and associated variables that are available through the HWS event notification, see the "Hardware Event API Rules" in the AOF Rules User Guide.

HWS can be activated and deactivated at anytime through the initialization parameters.

Note: If you are changing the value of INITHWS from NO to YES after CA OPS/MVS initialization, the z/OS command: MODIFY OPSS,RESTART(HWS) must be issued for the new value to take effect where OPSS is the CA OPS/MVS subsystem. For more information about the INITHWS and HWSRULES parameters, see the Parameter Reference.

Since hardware events are presented as OPS )API events, the OPS API interface must also be activated to receive the hardware events. To activate the OPS API interface, set the OPS APIACTIVE parameter to YES:


Note: For more information about the APIACTIVE parameter, see "Application Programming Interface Parameters" in the Parameter Reference Guide. For general information on coding API rules and specific information for coding hardware event API rules, see "Generic Event Application Program Interface" in the AOF Rules User Guide.