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How to Merge OPSLOG Archive Data Sets

CA OPS/MVS lets you merge OPSLOG archive data sets. You use the system SORT program and a sort exit.

You can merge any number of OPSLOG archive data sets, up to the limit supported by the SORT program. Data in the merged OPSLOG archive is in chronological order by date and time. OPSLOG archive data sets from multiple CA OPS/MVS copies can be merged, providing a consolidated OPSLOG for nonconnected systems.

Sample JCL for merging OPSLOG archive data sets resides in the ARCHMERG member of the &hlq.CCLXCNTLL data set.

Note: Merged OPSLOG archive data sets are chronologically ordered. If one (or both) of the data sets being merged contains a time or date anomaly, such as what could occur when your site goes from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time, then this anomaly appears in the merged data set.