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Configure System State Manager

Configuring the SSM to interface with CA CPM v3 and SSMO lets you view flows being monitored by CA CPM v3.

For instructions to configure and use SSM, see the User Guide.

To configure SSM tables to interface with CA CPM v3 and SSMO

  1. Verify that SSM is using the required columns

    The interface to SSMO requires that the SSM directory table of managed resource table names, whose name is the value of parameter STATETBL and has a default value of SSM_MANAGED_TBLS, contains a column named TNGELEGIBLE. The interface also requires that SSM resource tables contain columns named TNGNOTIFY and RESOURCE_TEXT.

    Using the Relational Data Facility (RDF) Table Editor, verify that your SSM tables contain these columns.

    For instructions on using the RDF Table Editor accessed from OPSVIEW, see the User Guide.

    If your SSM tables do not contain these required columns, see the Installation Guide for instructions on using the sample OPS/REXX program named OPTNGCOL in library &hlq.SAMPLES for adding these required columns to your SSM tables.

  2. Set the CACPMTABLE Parameter

    The value of the CACPMTABLE parameter will be used as the name of the special SSM resource table to contain resources representing flows being monitored by CA CPM v3. The default value is CPM_SSM_TABLE. You may change this default value.

    Note: See Step 3 below for restrictions on the value the CACPMTABLE parameter if you will be allowing the AOF rule CPMINIT to automatically create the SSM action table associated with the SSM resource table, which is recommended.

  3. Create and Activate the Required SSM Tables by enabling the AOF rule CPMINIT

    AOF rule CPMINIT will automatically create the required special SSM resource table and its associated SSM action table and add it to the SSM directory table with the value of its TNGELIGIBLE column set to YES.

    Important! We strongly recommend that you do not create these SSM tables manually.

    The SSM resource table name will be the value of the CACPMTABLE parameter. The name of the associated SSM action table will be the value of the CACPMTABLE parameter, truncated at the last underscore character (_), with the string ACTION appended to it.

    When AOF rule CPMINIT is enabled, it will take none of the above described automatic actions regarding SSM tables if it finds that the SSM directory table already contains an entry for the an SSM resource table whose name is the same as the value of the CACPMTABLE parameter.

    Note: If you follow our recommendation to allow AOF rule CPMINIT to automatically create the SSM tables, and you alter the default value of the CACPMTABLE parameter, you must ensure that at least one character in positions 1 through 11 of the new value is an underscore character (_).