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Configure and Enable the AOF Interface to CA CPM v3

For instructions on configuring and using the Automated Operations Facility (AOF), see the CA OPS/MVS User Guide and the CA OPS/MVS AOF Rules User Guide.

These steps install and enable the AOF rules specifically required to interface with CA CPM v3.

To configure and enable the AOF interface to CA CPM v3.

  1. Set the INITCPM parameter to a value of YES or ON. If you want the interface to start when CA OPS/MVS starts, put this parameter setting in the OPSSPA00 (or equivalent) member.
  2. Issue an appropriate CA CPM v3 LISTIN command to cause CA CPM v3 to issue the WTOs expected by the AOF.

    The LISTEN command must register the MVS master console or system log to receive flow and job events. Flow events are received as WTOs with a message identifier of CPM1602I. Job events are received as WTOs with a message identifier of CPM1603I. The LISTEN command may be placed in the CA CPM v3 CPMPARMS initialization data set to be automatically issued when the CA CPM v3 task starts.

    For example, the following is an appropriate LISTEN command to be placed in the CPMPARMS data set to register the MVS system log to receive all flow and job events as WTOs with message identifiers of CPM1602I and CPM1603I, respectively:


    Note: For detailed information on the CA CPM v3 LISTEN command, see the CA Critical Path Monitor Version 3 User Guide that is shipped with the documentation for the CA scheduling products.

  3. (Optional) Use OPSLOG Browse to verify that the CA CPM Version3 task is issuing WTOs with message identifiers of CPM1602I and CPM1603I.

    Note: For instructions on using OPSLOG Browse accessed from OPSVIEW, see the OPSVIEW User Guide.

  4. Install the required AOF rules by copying all five members of library &hlq.CCLXRULB whose names begin with CPM into a valid rule set.
  5. Enable and auto-enable AOF rule CPMINIT to control the startup and shutdown of the AOF interface to CA CPM v3.

    Rule CPMINIT is a global variable (GLV) rule that contains no process section and does no processing of any global variable updates. It contains an initialization section that starts the AOF interface to CA CPM v3 when it is enabled; and it contains a termination section that stops the AOF interface to CA CPM v3 when it is disabled.

  6. Enable rule CPMINIT to start the AOF interface to CA CPM v3. Auto-enable rule CPMINIT to start the AOF interface to CA CPM v3 when CA OPS/MVS is started.

    When rule CPMINIT is enabled, its initialization section will dynamically enable command rule CPMCMD and message rules CPM1602I and CPM1603I.

  7. Disable rule CPMINIT to stop the AOF interface to CA CPM v3.

    When rule CPMINIT is disabled, its termination section dynamically disables command rule CPMCMD and message rules CPM1602I and CPM1603I.

Note: Rules CPMCMD, CPM1602I, and CPM1603I should not be enabled or disabled manually.