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LXC Configuration and Start-up

To activate LXC, set the INITLXC parameter to YES:


Setting INITLXC to YES causes the LXC subtask to connect with Linux Connector Component and begin to receive unsolicited messages from connected VM and Linux systems.

The parameters LXCONMSG and LXCONCMD must match the values of the Linux Connector Component parameters MSGTOKEN and CMDTOKEN respectively. These parameter values are the name portion of z/OS Name/Token pairs that contain the IP port numbers for the unsolicited message and command processing IP servers. When the default CA OPS/MVS parameter values, do not match the Linux Connector Component values set the parameters using statements like:


In order to activate the unsolicited message AOF API rule events, set the parameter LXCRULES to YES:


Implement automation and tracking of VM and Linux systems by coding one or more AOF API rules with the special message ID values attached to the VM and Linux messages. For more detailed information about the Linux Connector API event types and associated variables, see the Linux Connector API Rules topic in the CA OPS/MVS AOF Rules User Guide.

Set the BROWSELXC parameter to YES to include the Linux Connector Component unsolicited message events that are passed to CA OPS/MVS in OPSLOG. Set the parameter as follows:


To have CA OPS/MVS generate LXC-related trace messages, set the DEBUGLXC parameter to ON:


LXC can be activated and deactivated at any time through the initialization parameters.

Note: When changing the value of INITLXC after CA OPS/MVS initialization, issue the z/OS command: MODIFY OPSx,RESTART(LXC) for the new value to take effect. OPSx is the CA OPS/MVS subsystem name.

For more information on the INITLXC, LXCRULES and other LXC parameters see "Linux Connector Interface Related Parameters” in the CA OPS/MVS Parameter Reference Guide..

Because LXC events are presented as AOF Generic API events, only an activated CA OPS/MVS API interface can process the LXC message events. To activate the AOF API interface, set the APIACTIVE parameter to YES:


For more information about the APIACTIVE parameter, see Application Programming Interface Parameters in the CA OPS/MVS Parameter Reference Guide. For general information on coding API rules and specific information for coding Linux Connector interface event API rules, see Generic Event Application Program Interface in the CA OPS/MVS Rules User Guide.