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Disable IPv6 Networking on Linux Servers

Disable IPv6 networking on each Linux server that has a Harvester installed.

Note: Complete this task before you add the Harvester in the NFA console. If IPv6 is enabled when you add a Harvester in the NFA console, the Harvester automatically binds with an IPv6-format address, which prevents CA Network Flow Analysis from receiving its data.

To disable IPv6 networking, modify the following files:

Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you are logged in with root privileges.
  2. Edit the modprobe.conf file:
    1. Open the /etc/modprobe.config file in a text editor.
    2. Append the following line:
      install ipv6 /bin/true
    3. Save and close the file.

      The modprobe.conf file is now configured so that when the system attempts to load the IPv6 kernel module, it executes the command 'true' instead of loading the module. The 'true' command performs no action.

  3. Edit the network file:
    1. Open the /etc/sysconfig/network file in a text editor.
    2. Update or add the following lines to match the text strings shown:
    3. Save and close the file.
  4. Reboot the server:
  5. Verify that IPv6 is disabled:
    1. Enter the following command at a terminal:
      lsmod | grep ipv6

      If the command returns no output, the IPv6 kernel module is not running: It has been removed successfully.

    2. Enter the /sbin/ifconfig command:

      Check the output to verify that it contains only IPv4 addresses and no IPv6 addresses.