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Resize Selected Transient Logs

After your region operates for a while, you may find that you need to tune the size of some transient logs. You may also find that you need to change the resource definition templates to suit your requirements.

Important! Resizing a transient log updates the resource definition. It is recommended that if a resource needs a large transient log size, it should be updated individually. If you have a large system image and you set all resource transient logs to the maximum size, there could be system performance degradation and storage issues.

To resize selected transient logs

  1. Access the list of system images that contain the resources for which you want to resize logs. For example, enter /RADMIN.I.L to access the list of local system images.

    A System Image List panel appears.

  2. Enter STL beside the required image.

    A Set TLog Size Specification panel appears.

  3. Select the required resources using the Resource Class and Resource Name fields, specify the required size for their logs, and then press F6 (Action).

    A message appears, indicating the number of resource definitions affected.

  4. Press F6 (Action).

    The resource definitions are updated with the specified size. If the image is active, the affected logs are also resized.

Note: For active system images, you can also resize the transient logs from the monitors using the SETTLOG command.