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Set Up IP Event Processing and Recording

Setting up event processing enables you to specify whether you want to log or save FTP, Telnet, and connection events.

To set up event processing

  1. Check the setup.
  2. Implement event processing.
  3. Customize event recording for business applications.
  4. Control the data retention period.
  5. Run self-test.

Check the Setup

To check the setup

  1. Ensure that the SOLVE SSI was implemented during installation and setup.
  2. Ensure that your TCP/IP stack is enabled to generate SMF events. For more information, see the Installation Guide.

Implement Event Processing

For FTP events, Telnet events, and connection events, you can specify the following options:

Log Events

Writes individual event details to the activity log. They can be accessed using the standard log browse facility. Logging is useful if you want to relate events to other concurrent activity in the region.

Save Events

Saves individual event details in the Event History data set (IPLOG). You can display event details online, or print them using the /IPHIST shortcut. You can also export them to sequential files for reporting with external reporting tools, for audit purposes.

To specify event processing options

  1. Enter /PARMS at the prompt.

    The Customizer : Parameter Groups panel appears. This panel lists all the parameter groups that set up the characteristics of the region.

  2. Press F8 (Forward) until the parameter group IPEVENT appears.
  3. Enter U in front of the parameter group.

    The Customizer : Parameter Group panel appears.

  4. Specify YES or NO in each of the event processing fields. For a description of the fields, press F1 (Help).
  5. Press F6 (Action).

    The settings are applied.

  6. Press F3 (File).

    The settings are saved.

Control the Amount of Data Recorded

A large volume of IP events can be collected. To limit the amount of recorded data, you can do the following:

Customize Event Recording for Business Applications

If you indicate in the IPEVENT parameter group that you want to log or save connection events, then, by using the application name definitions, you can specify to log or save only events for certain business applications.

The TCP/IP : Application Name Definition panel lets you specify processing options. These options include the Deliver Records field that identifies which event records are delivered to your region. The field is applicable to connection events only. Telnet and FTP events are always delivered.

To limit the amount of recorded data

  1. Enter /IPAPPL at the prompt.

    The Application Name Definition List appears.

  2. Press F4 (Add).

    The Application Name Definition panel appears.

  3. Determine the business applications for which you want to save connection events and enable delivery for those applications.
  4. Specify the type of connection events you want: initiation, termination, or both.

    To prevent the delivery of connection events for the application, specify NONE (the default) in this field. For information about the values in this field, press F1 (Help).

    Review your application name definitions to ensure that the value of the Deliver Records field matches your requirements. For those connections that do not match any definition, the default definition applies. The default definition is the last definition in the list.

Control the Data Retention Period

On a busy system, event recording can produce a large amount of data. When you enable event saving, the data is stored in the IPLOG file.

To specify how long you want to keep the data

  1. Enter /PARMS at the prompt.

    The Customizer : Parameter Groups panel appears.

  2. Enter U next to the IPFILES parameter group.

    The IPFILES - TCP/IP File Specifications panel appears. This panel specifies the following:

    The data sets on this panel were created during the setup process.

    Note: For more information, see the Installation Guide.

  3. Review the fields, and specify your values. For information about the fields, press F1 (Help).
  4. Press F6 (Action).

    The changes are applied.

  5. Press F3 (File).

    The changes are saved.