The region loads a system image during region initialization. The system image loaded when the region is initialized is controlled by the AUTOIDS parameter group. When you create a system image and its associated resources, the default system image can be replaced by a temporary system image. During operation, you may need to change the system image by loading another temporary image.
Subordinate regions can load only system images whose name is associated to the subordinate region during the link and synchronization process.
Note: When you request to load a system image, the $RMEXSTR exit NCL procedure is executed before the starting process. This procedure may be customized at your site to perform any required tasks before any automated resources are started. The starting process cannot proceed if the exit sets a non-zero return code.
To load a system image
The System Image Definition Menu appears.
The System Image List appears.
The LOAD Command Parameter Specification panel appears.
Enter ? and select a system image from the displayed prompt list.
Specify the global operation mode for your system image.
Note: Operation Mode applies only to products that perform Desired State Management.
Specifies whether to perform a cold start. Valid values are:
Deletes any preserved manual overrides used by the Checkpoint Restart facility.
Retains preserved manual overrides and re-applies them to resources if Checkpoint Restart is ACTIVE.
The Command Confirmation panel appears.
The system image is loaded.
Important! Resources that are monitored by the region are defined to the system image. Loading a system image affects all users of this region.
The checkpoint restart function lets you preserve manual overrides across system restarts.
When checkpoint restart is active, any override placed on a resource is stored in the resource definition as checkpoint data. This checkpoint data is applied automatically to the resource when you load the system image with a Warm Start, restoring previously placed overrides.
When checkpoint restart is inactive, any override placed on a resource is not stored as checkpoint data; however, previously stored data is retained. With checkpoint restart inactive, a Warm Start does not apply any stored checkpoint data.
Note: Setting checkpoint restart inactive does not clear the stored checkpoint data. If you later set checkpoint restart to active, then a Warm Start applies the previously stored checkpoint data.
If you no longer want to restore previously placed overrides, load the system image with a Cold Start. All checkpoint data is cleared from the resource definitions, and the resources are loaded without overrides.
Cold Start also clears checkpoint data from the following resources:
Note: The local system is where the system image is being loaded.
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