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Purge Packet Analysis Requests

When a STACK-class resource is loaded for the first time, the region requests the Packet Analyzer to collect packet information for the resource. The request remains active until you delete the resource.

Under some circumstances, you may want to purge a request without deleting the corresponding STACK resource specifically. For example, you may have deleted a region or moved a region to a different LPAR, but you did not delete the individual STACK resources beforehand, causing the corresponding requests to remain when they are not required.

To purge packet analysis requests

  1. Enter /IPPAREQ at the prompt.

    The Packet Analysis Request List appears.

  2. Enter P beside the requests you want to purge.

    Note: You cannot purge the blue color requests, which are associated with the STACK resources in the current local system image.

    For more information, press F1 (Help).