Previous Topic: Implementing the NetMaster-to-NetSpy Interface

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Customize the NetMaster-to-NetSpy Interface

If you use CA NetSpy, you can define an interface to it to perform some CA NetSpy functions from your CA NetMaster region.

To customize the interface, update the NETSPYLINKS parameter group in Customizer.

To update the NETSPYLINKS parameter group

  1. Enter /PARMS at the prompt.

    The Customizer : Parameter Groups list appears.

  2. Enter U beside the NETSPYLINKS parameter group.

    The NETSPYLINKS - Links to NetSpy Applications panel appears.

  3. In the Connections fields, specify the values of the NSYXNAME parameter in the INITPRM member of the CA NetSpy that you want to link to your region.
  4. Enter a value in each field that you require.

    For more information about completing this panel, press F1 (Help).

  5. Press F6 (Action).

    The changes are actioned.

  6. Press F3 (File).

    The changes are saved.

    Note: The Enable NetSpy Alert Processing field in the NETSPYLINKS parameter group lets you switch off the receipt of all alerts from CA NetSpy. Normally, you should leave the field to its default value of YES; however, you may want to enter NO to switch the alerts off under abnormal conditions (for example, when the region is flooded by these alerts).