Most customization of your region is performed by using Customizer.
You can also use the SYSPARMS command to customize your region. Each operand of the SYSPARMS command lets you specify options to change and customize the way your region works. For ease of maintenance, you can use the Display/Update SYSPARMS panel, which is accessible by using the /SYSPARM panel shortcut.
To change a SYSPARMS operand with the SYSPARMS command, enter the following command at the OCS command line:
SYSPARMS operand=value operand=value ...
Example: Display Time on OCS Title Line
This example sets the time display at the beginning of the OCS title line using the following command:
There are some SYSPARMS command operands that cannot be changed while the region is operational. These operands must be included in your INIT procedure so that they are executed during initialization.
Note: For a complete list of SYSPARMS commands, see the Reference Guide.
If you specify new values for these initialization operands, the new values do not take effect until the region is initialized. All other SYSPARMS can be changed during region operation by authorized users.
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