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Set Up Your Template System

Templates are defined in a $TEMPLAT system image. Your template system may contain different versions of templates. Group each version in a different $TEMPLAT system image.

Before you work on templates, copy the supplied templates to a different $TEMPLAT version. Start with version 0010; versions 0001 through 0009 are reserved for software updates.

To copy a $TEMPLAT system image

  1. Enter /RADMIN.T.I at the prompt.

    The Template System Image List panel appears.

  2. Enter C beside the system image you want to copy.

    The System Image Definition panel opens.

  3. Change the value in the Database Version field to uniquely identify the new copy (for example, 0010), and update the description fields as required.
  4. Press F3 (File).

    The System Image Copy panel appears advising you of the status of the copying process. When the copying process is complete, the System Image List panel appears.

  5. Set up one $TEMPLAT system image version for general use. Review the templates to ensure that they are suitable for the resources on your system. The version to use is set in the OPSYSIDS parameter group under the NAMES category during region initialization. Enter the /PARMS shortcut to access the Customizer : Parameter Groups panel that enables you to access the parameter for update.

$TEMPLAT System Image for Multiple Products

Each product supplies its own templates for the supported resource classes. If you want to run different products in the same region, merge the $TEMPLAT system images that contain those templates.

Note: For information about how to merge system images, see the Reference Guide.