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Printer Exit Definition Example

This example directs the output for a PSM print request, assigned to the printer named DSEXIT, to the member TEST1 in the data set PROD.PSM.DATA. The record length of this data set is 80. Overlay lines in the data are removed.

PROD1--------------------- PSM : Printer Definition --------------------------- Command ===> Function=BROWSE Printer Name ... DSEXIT Type ........... EXIT (JES, VTAM, ALIAS, EXIT) Description .... Print to a data set Lower Case? .... YES (Yes or No) Line Limit ..... 0 (0 to 999999) Form Name .....+ FORM0 ALIAS Printer Real Name .....+ (Real printer name) JES Printer Destination .... (destid.userid) Output Class ... (A to Z, 0 to 9) VTAM Printer LU Name ........ Logmode ........ EXIT Exit Name ...... $PSDS81Z Exit Data ...... DSN=PROD.PSM.DATA(TEST1) LRECL=80 SKIP0=DISCARD

Note: Previous references to parameters WKVOL, CYL, and LIST in the exit data are no longer required. Remove them from the printer definition before using $PSDS81Z or $PSDS81X, or the print request fails.