Previous Topic: Implementing Activity Logs

Next Topic: Implement Online Activity Logging

Activity Logs

The activity logging facility records all the activity in your region. You can use the activity logs to help determine the cause of problems.

Two separate activity log formats exist:

Log records are written to both formats.

By default, activity logs contain the following information:

The following illustration shows the path that the log record takes in the system.

This illustration shows the path that the log record takes in the system.

The online activity log is supplied by the distributed procedure $LOPROC. The $LOPROC procedure writes log data to VSAM files (three by default). The VSAM files are accessed by a second procedure, $LOBROW, which allows online browsing of the log.

Note: $LOPROC and $LOBROW are the default procedure names. You can change these names by using the LOGFILES parameter group in Customizer (/PARMS).