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(MIM) GLOBALVALUE Command-Assign Global Parameters

The GLOBALVALUE command lets you assign global parameters for CA MIM. GLOBALVALUE can be used as a statement in the MIMINIT member or issued as a command after CA MIM is synchronized. When GLOBALVALUE is issued as a command on one system, the values entered are updated on all systems. The global parameters affect the way CTC or XCF communication operates.

Scope: Global

This command has the following format:


(Optional) In a recovery situation, determines whether CA MIM initiates migration to any eligible master system when none exists in the VCFMASTER candidate list.

Default: YES


(Optional) Determines whether CA MIM selects the most preferred master system available in the VCFMASTER list or uses the same master that was in control the last time CA MIM was running. It also determines whether CA MIM automatically initiates migration when a more preferred master system joins the complex.

Default: NO


(Optional) Determines how client systems react when the only eligible master system terminates or becomes unresponsive. The value for this operand is ignored in CTCDASD environments.


Specifies that the client systems are to wait for the master to restart. During the waiting period, these systems issue periodic MIM0396 messages.


Specifies that the client systems are to terminate after issuing MIM0397 message.

Default: WAIT


(Optional) Allows you to create the master system candidate list used to determine the master system in VCF environments. However, the system is only a considered a master candidate if it is connected (CTC or XCF) to each system in the MIMplex. The order of the systems in the candidate list is the order of preference used by CA MIM. You can specify a maximum of 32 systems.

Default: NONE

Note: Although the default is NONE, at least one master system must be specified in a CTCDASD, CTCONLY, or XCF environment. If you want to start CA MIM in a CTCDASD environment without using CTC devices for initial communication, then specify the following statement in the MIMINIT member:


Note: Although DASD is specified for the initial control file choice, you must still specify at least one eligible master system in the VCFMASTER list, because the communication method selected is CTCDASD.

Usage Notes: GLOBALVALUE Command

Example: GLOBALVALUE Command

To indicate that CA MIM should use the most preferred master system from the VCFMASTER list, specify the following: