General CA MIM Statements and Commands › (MIM) QUIESCE Command-Temporarily Inactivate CA MIM
(MIM) QUIESCE Command-Temporarily Inactivate CA MIM
The QUIESCE command lets you temporarily inactivate CA MIM (that is, put CA MIM in a wait state) without having to stop it.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
Usage Notes: QUIESCE Command
- Quiesce CA MIM before you quiesce the operating system. Restart the operating system before you restart CA MIM.
- If you quiesce a system, then do not issue a FREE command for that system. Other systems eventually consider the quiesced system to be asleep.
- To reactivate CA MIM after you have issued the QUIESCE command, use the RESTART command.
- You must be authorized to issue system control commands to issue the QUIESCE command. TSO users generally are not authorized to issue system control commands.
- The QUIESCE command must be issued from a console or a TSO session. You cannot issue this command from the CA MIM parameter data set.
- Be sure to issue the CA MIM QUIESCE command with a command prefix character or with the z/OS MODIFY command so that CA MIM, rather than z/OS, executes your command.
- For more information on quiescing z/OS and CA MIM, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Example: QUIESCE Command
To quiesce CA MIM, issue this command from a console:
The at-sign character (@) represents the CA MIM command prefix character.
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