The MSGR statement provides a message with reply definition for CA MIM. It is used only in the Message Facility Tables found in the MIMMSGS file.
This statement has the following format:
MSGR 'text' [ROUTCDE=routinginfo][DESC=descriptor codes] [MSGNO=msgnumber][MCSFLAG=mcsoptions] [CONSID][RESPONSE]
Specifies the message prefix and text that you want CA MIM to use. This string must be enclosed in single quotes.
(Optional) Specifies WTO routing code information.
(Optional) Specifies WTO descriptor codes.
(Optional) Specifies the message number if the message number is not supplied in the message text.
(Optional) Specifies selected WTO MCS flag information for the message. Currently RESP and HRDCPY are the supported MCS options.
(Optional) Specifies that the message is to be directed to a specific console.
(Optional) Specifies that the message is a console directed command response.
Usage Note: MSGR Statement
You can specify this statement only in a Message Facility Table member of the MIMMSGS file. Specify this statement after the TABLE statement.
Example: MSGR Statement
To change the route codes on the MIM0100A control file lock out message, specify this statement in your message table:
MSGR 'MIM0100A File @1¦ ‑ possible lockout @2¦ @3¦ ', ROUTCDE=(1,2,4,6,10)
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