General CA MIM Statements and Commands › (MIM) CP Command-Issue z/VM Program Commands
(MIM) CP Command-Issue z/VM Program Commands
The CP command lets you issue z/VM control program commands to the host z/VM operating system.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
CP command
- command
Specifies the z/VM control program command to send to the host z/VM operating system.
Usage Notes: CP Command
- The CP command can be specified in the MIMCMNDS or MIMSYNCH member of the MIMPARMS data set. You also can issue this command from a console.
- You must be authorized to issue system control commands to issue the CP command. TSO users generally are not authorized to issue system control commands.
- You can issue more than one z/VM control program command at a time by separating the z/VM commands with the pound (#) character.
Examples: CP Command
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