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(MII) UTILITY Statement-Identify Similarly EDIF-Processed Programs

The UTILITY statement lets you identify a group of programs that should be processed the same way by the EDIF of the CA MII component. You then can specify the name of this UTILITY statement on other EDIF processing statements (instead of listing the names of each program in the list) to indicate what types of EDIF processing options you want to apply to those programs.

This command has the following format:

UTILITY NAME=utility [PROGRAMS(programs)] [DSORG=type]

(Optional) Indicates what data set organization EDIF should use during utility verification.

EDIF uses this value only if you do not specify the names of programs or UTILITY statements on an EDIF processing statement. In these cases, EDIF compares this DSORG value to the value on the DSORG parameter in the DCB of a data set. If these values match, then EDIF lets the programs listed on this UTILITY statement update the data sets named on that EDIF processing statement.

Specify one of these values in place of the type variable:


Indicates what name you want to assign to this UTILITY statement. Specify a name in place of the name variable. You can specify this name on other EDIF processing statements if you want to use this UTILITY statement to identify a list of programs.


(Optional) Identifies programs that should receive the same type of processing when the name of this UTILITY statement is specified on an EDIF processing statement. Specify one or more program names in place of the programs variable.


(Optional) Indicates what record format that EDIF should use during utility verification.

EDIF uses this value only if you do not specify the names of programs or UTILITY statements on an EDIF processing statement. In these cases, EDIF compares this value to the value on the RECFM parameter in the DCB of a data set. If these values match and the DSORG values match, then EDIF lets the programs listed on this UTILITY statement update the data sets named on that EDIF processing statement.

Specify one of these values in place of the format variable:

Usage Notes: UTILITY Statement

Example: UTILITY Statement

To group ISPF utilities in a UTILITY statement named ISPF, specify this statement in the EDIPARMS member: