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(MII) EXEMPT Command-Modify Exempt List

The EXEMPT command lets you modify the exempt list, which provides GDIF with supplemental and more specific information on propagating ENQ requests and handling hardware reserves. This command is available only when you are running the GDIF of the CA MII component.

Scope: Local

This command has the following format:

EXEMPT  {LOCAL {JOB=name \ RNAME=rname [QNAME=qname]} |
        GLOBAL  {JOB=name \ RNAME=rname [QNAME=qname]} }

Tells GDIF to add a new GLOBAL statement (if the one you specify here does not exist); otherwise, GDIF negates the LOCAL statement for this job or RNAME/QNAME combination.

If you add a new GLOBAL statement, then GDIF will propagate ENQ requests for the specified resource or job, unless overridden by other exempt list statements. If you negate an existing LOCAL statement, then GDIF will start propagating ENQ requests for the specified resource or job, unless overridden by other exempt list statements.


Identifies the job for which you want to propagate or stop propagating ENQ requests. Specify the name of this job in place of the name variable.


Tells GDIF to add a new LOCAL statement (if the one you specify here does not exist); otherwise, GDIF negates the GLOBAL statement for this job or RNAME/QNAME combination.

If you add a new LOCAL statement, then GDIF will stop propagating ENQ requests for the specified resources or ENQ requests issued by the specified job (as long as other statements in the exempt list do not override this statement). If you negate an existing GLOBAL statement, then GDIF will stop propagating ENQ requests for the specified resource or job as long as other statements do not override this statement.


Tells GDIF that the statement you are adding or negating affects only the ENQ requests that use this QNAME. Specify the QNAME you want to use in place of the qname variable.

You can specify this QNAME in either character or hexadecimal format. For example, you can specify QNAME=A123 or QNAME=X'C1F1F2F3'. If you use character format and the QNAME contains embedded blanks, then enclose that QNAME in single quotation marks. You also can use the pound (#) wildcard character to match more than one QNAME with the QNAME you specify here.


Identifies the resource for which you want to propagate or stop propagating ENQ requests. Specify the RNAME of this resource in place of the rname variable.

You can specify this RNAME in either character or hexadecimal format. For example, you can specify RNAME=A123, or you can specify RNAME=X'C1F1F2F3'. If you use character format and the RNAME contains embedded blanks, then enclose that RNAME in single quotation marks. You also can use the asterisk (*), pound (#), and question mark (?) wildcard characters (described below) to match more than one RNAME with the RNAME you specify here.

The RNAME has a maximum length of 255.

Usage Notes: EXEMPT Command

Examples: EXEMPT Command