The MIMINIT statement lets you define general initialization values that affect the entire address space, regardless of which components and facilities you are using. It is used to define the following
Facilities are activated on this statement by specifying ON.
This statement has the following format:
(Optional) Indicates whether CA MIM can run as a batch job. Specify NO or YES.
Default: YES
(Optional) Determines what block size CA MIM uses to access its control files. Specify a block size in place of the size variable. The lowest possible value is 4096 bytes. The highest possible value is 32767. The initial value 6144 is suitable for most sites.
CA MIM automatically adjusts this value if MIMINIT COMPATLEVEL=11.9. If CA MIM is using physical control files, the adjustment occurs when a new control file is formatted. If CA MIM is using a virtual control file, the adjustment will occur during CA MIM startup. In most cases, the BLKSIZE will be increased, but in some cases it may be reduced in an effort to maximize the number of usable bytes on the file.
The BLKSIZE value coded on the MIMINIT statement (or defaulted) can be displayed using the DISPLAY MIM INIT command, whereas the automatically adjusted value can be displayed with the DISPLAY IO command.
Default: 6144
(Optional) Indicates whether CA MIM can be canceled. Specify NO or YES on this parameter.
Default: YES
(Optional) Defines the data set name prefix for the checkpoint files. Multiple levels of qualification are permitted. CA MIM constructs all checkpoint data set names by appending a two-digit decimal number to the prefix you specify using CHKPTDSN. For example, if you specify the following statement
then your valid checkpoint file data set names are allocated for you as follows:
You must use either JCL or TSO to allocate all the checkpoint files you will use prior to starting CA MIM. When you allocate the files, specify complete data set names, including the numeric suffix, as shown in the examples above. Your first checkpoint file must be numbered 00, and if you allocate backup files, the number must increase consecutively (01, 02, 03, and so on). If you leave a gap in the numbers, then the higher numbered files will not be usable.
Checkpoint files must not be shared. If your initialization member is shared between two or more systems, then you should specify CHKPTDSN on its own MIMINIT statement, separately from other MIMINIT parameters, and use IFSYS/ENDIF statements to provide different names on each system.
(Optional) Specifies the one- to eight-character subsystem interface prefix character string that identifies an operator command as one that should be directed to a given CA MIM address space. Specify the prefix in either character or hexadecimal format.
Note: The CMDPREFIX parameter replaces the CMDCHAR parameter.
Default: CMDPREFIX=@
(Optional) Indicates whether CA MIM should use a member of its parameter data set to obtain a list of CA MIM commands that should be executed at startup (before systems are synchronized). The parmlib member referenced with this parameter typically contains CA MIM SETOPTION commands used to further customize the operation of the CA MIM product.
Specify one of these values on the COMMANDS parameter:
This variable represents the name of the member CA MIM should use.
You are not using a member for this purpose.
(Optional) Indicates the initial method of multi-system communication the CA MIM Driver control program uses to communicate CA MIM transactions throughout your enterprise. Depending on your environment, you may choose to use DASD, CTC devices, or coupling facilities as vehicles for transporting CA MIM transactions.
Provides both methods of communication, DASD and channel-to-channel devices (CTCs). CTCDASD requires a shared DASD control file as well as CTC devices. Optionally, coupling facility structure control files can be used in place of or in conjunction with DASD control files. You can use the MIGRATE command to change the method of communication while CA MIM is running. You can specify a value for the INITIAL keyword when you select this method.
The INITIAL keyword is used to determine which method of communication is used when CA MIM first starts, CTC or DASD. The default is CTC. The following example shows how to specify CTCDASD when you select DASD as the initial control file method:
Provides virtual control file communication only. CA MIM tasks communicate through CTC devices entirely with no use of shared DASD control files.
Provides storage of control file information on shared DASD only. CA MIM tasks communicate by accessing the shared DASD control files or coupling facility structure control files.
This value is used only if CA MIM is running on a single system (called SOLO mode) where control files are not needed. If CTC devices or DASD control files do exist, they will not be used.
Specifies XCF communication for the CA MIM complex (MIMplex).
(Optional) Indicates the format of the CA MIM control file and the associated functionality that is to be activated. The value must be the same across all systems in the CA MIM complex. You can change the value dynamically using the ACTIVATE COMPATLEVEL command. The acceptable values for this operand are 11.81,11.9, and 12.0.
Note: For more information, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Indicates whether you are placing the entire class of tape devices under CA MIA for z/OS management (DEVCLASS=TAPE), or you are placing selected tape devices under CA MIA management (DEVCLASS=NONE), as specified in the MIMUNITS member.
You need to use DEVCLASS=NONE and specify a MIMUNITS member if any tape device is known by different addresses on different systems, or if the same address is used by different devices on different systems.
Valid values are:
Indicates that you are not placing a class of devices under the management of CA MIA.
Places all tape devices under the management of CA MIA.
If any of these devices has a different local name on different systems, or if a device has the same local name as a different device on a different system, then you must assign a global name to that device in MIMUNITS.
(Optional) Identifies the member of the CA MIM parameter data set that contains the list of tape drives to be controlled, and their associated global names. See the DEVCLASS description above. Specify one of these values on the DEVLIST parameter:
Represents the name of the member that CA MIM should use.
Indicates that you are not using a member for this purpose.
(Optional) Identifies the member of the CA MIA parameter data set that contains a list of tape devices you wish to exclude from CA MIA management. Specify one of these values on the DEVEXCL parameter.
Represents the name of the member that CA MIM should use.
Indicates that you are not using a member for DEVECXCL.
(Optional) Determines whether the ENQ Conflict Management Facility (ECMF) of the CA MII component is activated. Specify OFF or ON.
Default: ECMF=OFF
(Optional) Determines whether the EDIF of the CA MII component is activated. Specify OFF or ON.
Default: EDIF=OFF
(Optional) Specifies a list of optional features to be activated. Currently, there is only one selectable feature:
Specifies that MIM should attempt to optimize CTC and/or XCF communication by passing the VCF directly from the system relinquishing the VCF directly to the next queued system, instead of always returning the VCF to the master system. For more information about this feature, see Advanced Topics in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Determines whether the DASD checkpoint files, control files, or both are formatted at startup on the first system started. Specify one of the following values:
Formats both the checkpoint file and control file.
Formats the control file. In a CTC-only environment, it refers to the backup virtual control file residing in a special area on the checkpoint file.
Formats only the checkpoint information in the checkpoint file. You can use the abbreviation CKPT for this operand.
(Optional) Determines whether the GCMF of the CA MIC component is activated. Specify OFF or ON.
Default: GCMF=OFF
(Optional) Determines whether the GDIF of the CA MII component is activated. Specify OFF or ON.
Default: GDIF=OFF
(Optional) Determines whether the GTAF of the CA MIA component is activated. Specify OFF or ON.
You need to reformat your DASD control files if you change the value for this parameter.
Default: GTAF=OFF
(Optional) Determines whether the ICMF is activated for the CA MIC component. Specify OFF or ON.
Default: ICMF=OFF
Note: You also must specify GCMF=ON to activate ICMF.
(Optional) Names the CA MIM Initialization Exit module to be called during product startup.
Note: For more information on CA MIM user exit processing, see the chapter “User Exits” in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Valid values are:
Loads the specified load module and makes one initialization call to it. Error messages are sent to the system log if the module cannot be found.
No call is made to the exit routine.
If no MIMINIT INITEXIT statement is specified, module MIMINIXT will loaded and called.
(Optional) Determines whether CA MIM statements and commands from the MIMPARMS and MIMMSGS data sets are recorded to the system log during product startup. The parameter is particularly useful for first-time users who want to diagnose errors during processing of the MIMPARMS and MIMMSGS data sets. The parameter works in conjunction with the LOG and NOLOG statements. If LOGPARAMETERS=YES, then the LOG and NOLOG statements are honored. If LOGPARAMETERS=NO, then no statements and commands are logged, even if LOG is coded in a member. Specify YES or NO.
Default: YES
Specifies the name of the member of the CA MIM parameter data set that CA MIM should use to obtain its initialization statements. You must specify this on the PARM parameter of the CA MIM startup procedure. It has no effect on a MIMINIT statement.
(Optional.) Identifies the CA MIM group name to XCF. This parameter is used only with the XCF communication method.
CA MIM uses the group name on an IXCJOIN macro when establishing communications with XCF. XCF uses the group name to connect CA MIM address spaces across systems. RMF reports, and IBM commands and displays related to XCF also reference the group name.
The MIMPLEX value must be identical on each system running CA MIM.
You may set MIMPLEX to any one- to eight-character name composed of the characters A-Z, 0-9, and $, #, and @. To avoid conflicts with IBM group names, do not begin group names with the letters A-I or the character string SYS. Also, do not use the name UNDESIG. We recommend starting the CA MIM group name with the characters “MIM” for easy identification in XCF displays and reports.
The default MIMPLEX value is a six-character name in the format MIMaci, where the variables are:
The corresponding position is set to # for all inactive components. For example, if you start only the CA MII component, then the default MIMPLEX name would be MIM##I.
Default: MIMplex=MIM### (depending upon which components are running)
(Optional) Determines whether CA MIM waits for a service interval or a service cycle to expire before accessing the control file. Specify one of these values on the MODE parameter:
Specifies that CA MIM should access the control file whenever GDIF has an ENQ or RESERVE request to propagate. If GDIF does not have a transaction by the time a service interval expires, then CA MIM sees if other global facilities (that is, GTAF and GCMF) have transactions. If so, then CA MIM accesses the control file. Otherwise, CA MIM waits until a service cycle expires to access the control file.
Specifies that CA MIM should wait until a service interval expires before seeing whether any of the global facilities has a transaction. If so, then CA MIM accesses the control file. Otherwise, CA MIM waits until a service cycle expires and then accesses the control file.
(Optional) Determines whether CA MIM messages are to be prefixed with the CA MIM command prefix character, or a different three-character identifier, or not changed at all. This parameter is designed for sites running multiple CA MIM address spaces per system that want to easily identify from which CA MIM address space a particular CA MIM message originated.
By default, all messages issued by CA MIM begin with the characters “MIM” and a four-digit number. If your installation operates more than one CA MIM started task per z/OS image, it may be difficult to identify which address space is issuing a given message. For example, you may choose to operate CA MII as a different started task from CA MIA and CA MIC for performance reasons. In this environment, it may not be readily apparent which started task is issuing certain messages. A control file lockout message (MIM0100 or MIM0200), for instance, could potentially be issued by either CA MIM started task.
To eliminate the message identification problem, you can instruct CA MIM to either append the command prefix to the message identifier, or you can change the three-character “MIM” message prefix to a three-character alphabetic prefix of your own choosing. The message editing options that you select take effect after all the MIMINIT statements have been read and processed from the MIMPARMS data set.
The following are valid values:
No editing is performed on the messages issued by CA MIM.
Specifies that the command prefix string as specified by the MIMINIT CMDPREFIX statement or the SETOPTION MIM CMDPREFIX command is prefixed to all messages issued by CA MIM.
Note: If an installation specifies a CMDPREFIX operand of a length greater than two characters, then it should also specify MSGPREFIX=NONE or specify MSGPREFIX=ppp (where ppp is a three character replacement string for the MIM in the CA MIM message identifier). We recommend that you do not generate CA MIM message identifiers that are greater than ten characters long.
Replace 'MIM' with the three characters, ppp, in messages issued by CA MIM. This operand must be exactly three characters long. The characters can be either upper or lowercase alphabetic characters (A through Z or a through z).
Default: NONE
(Optional) Determines whether CA MIM messages are to be issued in uppercase and lowercase, or in only uppercase. Those messages issued through the CA MIM message facility have message text that contains both uppercase and lowercase letters. If you have console devices that do not properly display EBCDIC lowercase letters, or if you prefer to see message text in uppercase characters, you can control the case of the characters in the messages issued by the CA MIM message facility. Only CA MIM messages under the control of the CA MIM message facility are affected by this parameter.
Note: For more information on the CA MIM message facility, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Valid values are:
Issue messages with text containing both uppercase and lowercase characters.
Issue messages with text containing only uppercase characters.
(Optional) Specifies whether CA MIM should page fix cell pooled control blocks while cell pool pages are actively in use. Valid values are:
Specifies that cell pooled control blocks should remain pageable
Specifies that cell pooled control blocks should be page fixed unconditionally.
Specifies that cell pooled control blocks should be page fixed as long as the system is not expecting a real frame storage condition.
Note: For more information on the PAGEFIX parameter, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Identifies the name of the member of the CA MIM parameter data set that contains the QNAME list used by GDIF, ECMF, or both. Specify a member name, or specify NONE.
(Optional) Identifies the SMF record number used by the CA MIM SMF Reporting Facility when it is writing CA MIM records to your SMF data sets. The value specified here should not match record types being used by other vendor products or z/OS components.
Note: For more information, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Default: RECORDTYPE=189
(Optional) When running under Restart Manager, the SYNCH member is used only during the initial startup. For managed restarts, the member specified through RESTARTSYNCH is used instead; RESTARTSYNCH=NO means that no commands is issued. If you wish to run the same set of commands as during initial synchronization, specify the same member name for both SYNCH= and RESTARTSYNCH=.
(Optional) Determines whether CA MIM intercepts and control blocks residing in common storage are to be reloaded or reused during CA MIM product startup. Allowing CA MIM to reuse previously loaded modules minimizes the amount of common storage used by the product. Forcing CA MIM to reload the intercepts during each startup may deplete common storage over an extended period of time. Specify NO or YES.
We strongly recommend that you specify REUSE=YES. However, certain CA MIM APARs require that CA MIM be restarted with REUSE=NO. In any other case, REUSE=NO should not be used unless directed by CA Technical Support. For example, Technical Support may recommend a REUSE=NO restart of the product to refresh an overlaid intercept or to obtain a version of the intercept that has a PTF applied.
Default: REUSE=YES
(Optional) Indicates whether CA MIM should validate the authorization of a command issuer to use a given command by invoking the operating system security subsystem software to perform the command validation. Specify OFF or ON.
Note: For more information on command security processing, see the chapter “Advanced Topics” in the CA MIM Programming Guide.
(Optional) Specifies the one- to eight-character prefix that is appended to the CA MIM command to allow the command to be passed to the security system software for validation. You can specify any prefix value, or the value MIMNAME, to indicate that the CA MIM job name is to be used as the command prefix value. For example, the name defined here must match a predefined resource name definition in the RACF OPERCMDS class for the validation to take place. Also, the CA MIM SAF command validation processing must first be activated using the MIMINIT SAFCMDAUTH parameter. The value MIMNAME indicates that CA MIM should use its started task name as the SAF prefix.
(Optional) Indicates whether CA MIM should display routine sign-on messages when its facilities are initialized. Specify NO or YES.
Routine sign-on messages are sent to the system log no matter what value you specify.
(Optional) Specifies the z/OS subsystem name for CA MIM.
The value (name) must be four characters long. The first three characters must be MIM and the fourth character can be any value except, null, *, ?, or D.
If a CA MIM subsystem name was predefined in the IEFSSNxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB, then specify that same value here. Otherwise, CA MIM uses the value specified here to dynamically create a subsystem name during its first startup after an IPL.
If no subsystem name is supplied, then CA MIM attempts to use a subsystem name of MIMx where x is the subsystem command prefix character specified on the MIMINIT CMDPREFIX keyword, if a single character subsystem command prefix value is specified. If MIMINIT CMDPREFIX=NONE or if the CMDPREFIX operand value is greater than a single character, then CA MIM generates a name of MIMf where f is based on the facility or facilities that are to be activated in the address space.
Note: For more information, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Note: The subsystem name MIMD is reserved and cannot be specified.
(Optional) Indicates whether CA MIM should suppress routine messages that are issued as it executes commands in the MIMCMNDS and MIMSYNCH members. Specify NO or YES.
This parameter does not stop CA MIM from issuing messages if a command in one of these members cannot be executed (for example, due to a syntax error).
(Optional) Specifies whether CA MIM should use a member of its parameter data set to obtain CA MIM, z/OS, and JES commands that should be executed after CA MIM initializes. Specify one of these values:
Specifies the name of the member that CA MIM should use.
Indicates that you are not using a member for this purpose.
(Optional) Instructs CA MIM to use the value sysid instead of the SMF ID, when processing DEFSYS statements. If SYSID is specified and DEFSYS is not specified, then the value for sysid becomes the system name.
You should use the SYSID parameter only for the following reasons:
The SYSID can be a one- to eight-character ID. It may be specified either on the PARM parameter of the startup procedure or on the z/OS START command. You can specify SYSID on a MIMINIT statement, provided the MIMINIT statement precedes your DEFSYS statements.
(Optional) Specifies whether the TPCF of the CA MIA component is activated. Specify OFF or ON.
Default: TPCF=OFF
(Optional) Specifies the number of bytes in the transfer buffer for the virtual control file. The lowest possible value is seven bytes more than the block size you specify on the BLKSIZE parameter; the highest possible value is 62464 bytes.
If this buffer is too small (less than the average number of bytes read per service cycle), then data is transmitted slowly. If this buffer is too large, then an excessive amount of real storage is used. Note that you can use the DISPLAY IO command to see how many bytes are read per service cycle. We recommend that you use the initial value 32768.
You must specify the same value for the VCFBUFFERSIZE parameter on all systems.
Default: VCFBUFFERSIZE=32768
(Optional) Tells CA MIM how many Virtual Control File blocks to preallocate during CA MIM initialization. When CA MIM tasks need more blocks, CA MIM acquires more blocks dynamically.
Default: VCFMAXBLOCKS=1200
(Optional) Determines the preferred medium for the VCF communication. MIMINIT VCFPREFERENCE requires COMPATLEVEL 12.0 or higher.
CA MIM attempts to use an XCF path when XCF is specified as the preferred method of VCF communication.
CA MIM attempts to use a CTC path when CTC is specified as the preferred method of communication.
When a preferred path is not available for CA MIM to use, CA MIM uses any available path.
WAITSTATE defines the conditions CA MIM enters a disabled wait state on the MIMINIT statement and the PARM field in the CA MIM startup JCL.
CA MIM termination will not initiate a disabled wait. The system will continue operating without CA MIM services. This is the default, and is equivalent to operation in all previous versions of CA MIM.
After synchronization with external systems has been completed, termination of CA MIM will result in a disabled wait.
If there are errors in the PARM field or MIMINIT dataset, CA MIM will terminate without disabling the system. CA MIM termination at any time after successful processing of MIMINIT will result in a disabled wait state.
Any CA MIM termination will result in a disabled wait state.
Usage Notes: MIMINIT Statement
Examples: MIIMINIT Statement
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