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(MIA) VARY Command-Change Device Status

The VARY command lets you change the status of devices that are being managed by the CA MIA component. You can VARY devices online or offline through the MIMSYNCH parmlib member or through a console. If a special CA MIA status, such as NOTAVAILABLE, AVAILABLE, OVERGENNED, NOTOVERGENNED, JOBRESERVED, or EXTERNALLY DEDICATED is to be given or removed from a device, then the CA MIA VARY command must be used.

Note: For in-depth information on how to use the VARY commands to achieve the device status desired, see Changing the Status of Managed Devices (VARY) in the chapter “Advanced Topics” in the CA MIA Programming Guide.

Scope: Local or Global

This command has the following format:

                {DEDICATED|NOTDEDICATED} |
                JOB=(name,FORCE={NO|YES}) [{GLOBAL | LOCAL}] | NOJOB |
                {ONLINE|OFFLINE} [{EXTERNAL|GLOBAL|LOCAL|sysid}] |
                PREFERENCE={value|NONE} |

Identifies the device for which you are making a status change. The device is identified by its three- or four-character global name. Enter a single device name, a range of device names, or a list of device names. Specify a range of tape drives by typing two global names separated by a hyphen (for example, 03A0-03A2).

A list of tape drives is specified as two or more global names separated by a comma or space. A list always must be enclosed in parentheses. A list may include a range of drives. For example,

(03A0 03A1 03A2)

Note: The devices specified on a VARY RANGE command are presented to the operating system for processing as individual VARY Device requests in ASCENDING device address order, regardless of the order in which device address ranges are specified on the VARY RANGE command.

If you want a specific sequence of VARY command processing, code individual VARY or VARY RANGE commands to achieve the desired VARY completion sequence.

A pending VARY requests can be purged with the VARY PURGE parameter.


Activates the automatic cartridge loader (ACL) feature for an assignable tape device, even if there are no cartridges in the loader. TPCF makes this status change on all systems.


Makes the device available for allocation by removing NOTAVAILABLE status from the internal representation for the device and issue a VARY ONLINE to the device. The VARY ONLINE is deferred, when the device is externally allocated. Local jobs waiting for the device are not posted until the external allocation completes and the local VARY ONLINE executes successfully.

Note: For more information about delays to vary online processing, see the CA MIA Programming Guide.

The VARY AVAILABLE command also wakes up the jobs waiting in allocation recovery for a device.

You can specify the following operands:


Modifies device status on all external systems (that is, on all systems except the local system).


Modifies device status on all systems.


Modifies device status on the local system.


Represents the ID of a system to which you want to direct this VARY command.

The system ID represents the full system name or alias that is assigned to the system using the:

  • DEFSYS statement
  • one- or two-digit index number of the system.

If CA MIM cannot find a match between the specified sysid value and any known system, it issues message MIM2063 and ignores the VARY command.



Dedicates the device to jobs on the local system and varies the device offline on all external systems. This makes the device unavailable for allocation on external systems unless there is no other suitable device.


Reserves the devices for the job name specified. The name can be a started-task name. You can specify the following operands for this parameter:


Modifies device status on all systems.


Modifies device status on the local system.

If you specify the GLOBAL operand, then the device is reserved for the specified job, regardless of the system on which the job is running. Otherwise, the device is reserved for a specified local job and cannot be allocated by any other local job or on any external system.

You may enter a single job name or you may use the asterisk (*) wildcard character to reserve a device for any job name matching the preceding characters. The wildcard character cannot be specified in the first position of the job name, and no characters can be specified after the wildcard character.

Note: You can force the job to use only the devices reserved for it by specifying YES on the FORCE operand (or simply specify FORCE). Otherwise, specify FORCE=NO to indicate that the job is not restricted to the devices reserved for it. If the FORCE operand is not specified, then CA MIA uses the value specified on the SETOPTION TPCF JOBFORCE command. The default value for that command is NO.

Important! TPCF ignores the reserve if all devices in the eligible device list are eliminated due to job reserve, any allocation exits, and device preferencing, and FORCE=NO.


Releases a reserved device.


Deactivates the ACL feature for an assignable tape device. TPCF makes this status change on all systems.


Assigns not-available status to the device and varies the device offline. This makes that device unavailable for allocation unless no other device is available.

You can specify the following operands for NOTAVAILABLE:


Modifies device status on all external systems (that is, on all systems except the local system).


Takes a device that is in use on another system offline on the local system. If the device is allocated externally, then it is taken offline locally and given a status of not available. If the device is online but not allocated, then it is varied offline and also given a status of not available. To bring the device back online after issuing a VARY NOTAVL FORCE command, issue a VARY AVAILABLE command.


Modifies device status on all systems.


Modifies device status on the local system.


Represents the ID of a system to which you want to direct this VARY command.

The system ID represents the full system name or alias that is assigned to the system using the DEFSYS statement or the one- or two-digit index number of the system. If CA MIM cannot find a match between the value you specify for sysid and any known system, then it issues message MIM2063 and ignores the VARY command.



Releases a dedicated device and varies that device online to all systems. This makes that device available for allocation on any system.


Returns a device from the overgenned status to normal status and varies the device online. The following operands limit the scope of this parameter:


Modifies device status on all external systems (that is, on all systems except the local system).


Modifies device status on all systems.


Modifies device status on the local system.


Represents the ID of a system to which you want to direct this VARY command.

The system ID represents the full system name or alias that is assigned to the system using the DEFSYS statement or the one- or two-digit index number of the system. If CA MIM cannot find a match between the value you specify for sysid and any known system, then it issues message MIM2063 and ignores the VARY command.

You can use the abbreviation NOTOVG for this operand.

Default: GTAF uses the defined value that is specified for the VARYSCOPE operand on the SETOPTION command.


Varies the device offline. The following operands limit the scope of this parameter:


Modifies device status on all external systems (that is, on all systems except the local system).


Modifies device status on all systems.


Modifies device status on the local system.


Represents the ID of a system to which you want to direct this VARY command.

The system ID represents the full system name or alias that is assigned to the system using the DEFSYS statement or the one- or two-digit index number of the system. If CA MIM cannot find a match between the value you specify for sysid and any known system, then it issues message MIM2063 and ignores the VARY command.

Default: GTAF uses the scope value that is specified for the VARYSCOPE operand on the SETOPTION command.


Varies the device online and POSTs jobs waiting for the device. The following operands limit the scope of this parameter:


Modifies device status on all external systems (that is, on all systems except the local system).


Modifies device status on all systems.


Modifies device status on the local system.


Represents the ID of a system to which you want to direct this VARY command.

The system ID represents:

  • The full system name
  • An alias assigned to the system with the DEFSYS statement
  • The one- or two-digit index number of the system.

When CA MIM cannot find a match between the specified sysid value and any known system. CA MIM issues message MIM2063 and ignores the VARY command.

Default: GTAF uses the scope value that is specified for the VARYSCOPE operand on the SETOPTION command.


Assigns overgenned status to a device and varies the device offline. You can use the abbreviation OVG for this operand.

You can specify following operands to indicate the scope of the status change:


Modifies device status on all external systems (that is, on all systems except the local system).


Modifies device status on all systems.


Modifies device status on the local system.


Represents the ID of a system to which you want to direct this VARY command.

The system ID represents the full system name or alias that is assigned to the system using the DEFSYS statement or the one- or two-digit index number of the system. If CA MIM cannot find a match between the value you specify for sysid and any known system, then it issues message MIM2063 and ignores the VARY command.

Default: GTAF uses the scope value that is specified for the VARYSCOPE operand on the SETOPTION command.


Specifies the preference value you are assigning to this device (the higher the preference value, the more preferred the device). TPCF assigns this preference value on the local system only. You can specify a value from 1 to 255, or NONE. NONE causes device preferencing to not be done for the specified devices.


Note: When NONE is specified, no preference value will be displayed.


VARY requests that are on the ‘schedule queue’ or on the ‘active queue’ are eligible for a purge request. When a VARY request is marked as ‘purged’ no internal VARY is submitted and no device state change occurs. The PURGE parameter is intended to be used to purge VARY requests that may be causing delays in allocation.

Usage Notes: VARY Command

Examples: VARY Command