The ALLOCATE command lets you define control files, checkpoint files, and the TRACE data set. It directs CA MIM to dynamically allocate these types of data sets. In the case of control files and the TRACE data set, use of this statement eliminates the requirement to define DD card images in the startup JCL procedure for these data sets.
Scope: Local
This command has the following format:
ALLOCATE {CHKPT=number | [CTC=unit] | DDNAME=ddname {DSNAME=dsname [MEMBER=name] [UNIT=unitname] [VOLSER=volser]| SYSOUT=class [COPIES=nnn] [DEST=dddd] [FCB=xxx] [FORMS=form] [HOLD={NO|YES}] [UCS=xxxx]} | XESFILEID=id STRNAME=name}]
Causes the specified checkpoint file to be allocated for use by CA MIM. The allowable values are 00 to 99. The CHKPT operand is not supported on ALLOCATE commands placed in the MIMINIT member.
Makes a CTC device available for virtual control file operations. This device must be predefined on a CTCPATH statement. Specify the logical device address of the CTC device in place of unit. The CTC operand is not supported on ALLOCATE commands placed in the MIMINIT member.
Makes a data set available to CA MIM. Specify the ddname of the data set in place of ddname. You can allocate a new control file by specifying a ddname of MIMTBLnn, where nn is 00 through 99. You can allocate a checkpoint file by specifying a ddname of MIMCKPnn, where nn is 00 through 99.
Note: For more information, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Makes a real data set (not a SYSOUT data set) available. Specify the name of the data set in place of dsname.
(Optional) Makes a data set member available to CA MIM. Specify the name of the member in place of name.
(Optional) Identifies the device on which this data set resides. Specify the unit name in place of unitname. The unit name can be an esoteric, generic, or device address. If a four-digit device address is used, then prefix the address with a /.
(Optional) Identifies the location of the data set. Specify the volume serial location in place of volser.
Makes a SYSOUT data set available to CA MIM. Specify a SYSOUT class in place of class. Valid classes are:
(Optional) Determines how many copies of this SYSOUT data set are printed. Specify a value from 1 to 255 in place of nnn.
Default: 1
(Optional) Identifies the local or remote device on which this SYSOUT data set should be printed. Specify the name of a printer or JES node in place of dddd.
(Optional) Indicates what forms control buffer image should be used when this SYSOUT data set is printed.
Default: The forms control buffer image associated with the specified printing device is used.
(Optional) Indicates what form should be used when this SYSOUT data set is printed.
Default: The form currently on the specified printing device is used.
(Optional) Indicates whether CA MIM should place this SYSOUT data set in a held state until you release it. Specify NO or YES.
Default: HOLD=NO
(Optional) Determines what universal character set, print train, or character arrangement table is used for this SYSOUT data set. Specify a value in place of xxxx.
Default: The value currently associated with the printing device is used.
Assigns a control file identifier to a coupling facility structure control file. The identifier, id, can be a numeric value from 00 to 99. Note, however, that the identifier value cannot duplicate an nn value specified on a MIMTBLnn ddname used to reference a DASD control file.
Note: For more information, see the CA MIM Programming Guide.
Specifies the name of a coupling facility structure that is to be used as a CA MIM control file. The name can be from one to sixteen characters in length. The first character must be alphabetic, while the remaining characters may be alphanumeric or national (@, $, #) characters. CA MIM does not support the underscore (_) character in structure control file names.
Usage Notes: ALLOCATE Command
Examples: ALLOCATE Command
You must have previously defined the CTC device by a CTCPATH statement in the initialization member. You cannot dynamically define CTC paths to systems that did not previously exist.
CA MIM verifies that the CTC device specified has an operational path and is ONLINE before attempting to allocate the device. If either of these conditions is not met, then the CTC device is not allocated and an error message is issued.
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