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EDCHEK Screen Without Error Messages

If there are no errors, the screen looks like this:

   EDIT ---- BELST02.JCL.CNTL(IEFBR14) - 01.00 ---------------- LAST CC WAS  00    COMMAND ===>                                                 SCROLL ===> CSR    ********************************* TOP OF DATA ******************************    ==MSG>CAY6000 NO STATEMENTS FLAGGED IN JOB "BELST02A" MAXIMUM SEVERITY WAS 0    ==MSG>    ==MSG>    ==MSG>    000100 //BELST02J JOB (40100000),'S. BELL',CLASS=P,MSGCLASS=X    000200 //*      SAMPLE EDIT CHECK EXECUTION JCL    000300 //STEP01 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14    ********************************** BOTTOM OF DATA *************************

Notice the CAY6000 message below the TOP OF DATA line.

A STATEMENTS FLAGGED message is inserted for each JOB card that CA JCLCheck finds in the file. You can easily locate the MSG lines by entering the subcommand LOCATE SPECIAL. This function is especially useful when working with a large edit file.

You can continue to edit the file with the ==MSG> lines in place or clear these lines using the RESET command. The message lines are not saved with the data set and do not need to be cleared before re-executing EDCHEK. EDCHEK executes the RESET command internally.