This panel is a substitute for the JCK04 panel and is displayed if you are running the JCKSPF dialog under CA Roscoe ETSO-ISPF. Use the panel options to generate hardcopy output for the CA JCLCheck SYSTERM or SYSPRINT reports. The options on this panel allow you to control the physical format of the printer output. You can also direct output to remote printers serviced by the DSPRINT application (or an equivalent application).
To display this panel:
When you are finished, press End.
------------- PRINT: PANEL TO PRINT DATA SETS IMMEDIATELY -------- JCK04I COMMAND===> Date - mm/dd/yyyy User - CAUSER Time hh:mm 1 - EXECUTE THE PRINT FUNCTION 2 - CANCEL THE PRINT FUNCTION DATASET NAME => 'USERID.JCLCHECK.SYSPRINT' CLASS =======> A (Output Class the Print will go to) HOLD/NOHOLD ==> NOHOLD (Hold will hold The Job Until Operator Version) COPIES =======> 1 (Number of Copies, 1-999) Destination ID(DEST), if Remote Printing is Desired NODE ===> USER ID ===>
Supply the values you want to take effect when printing the SYSTERM and SYSPRINT reports.
This panel contains the following fields:
Prints the output.
Cancels the print request.
Data set name of the file you want to print.
SYSOUT class for the SYSOUT file.
Default: A
Defers printing of the report until it is started by an operator; Nohold prints the report immediately.
Number from 1 to 999, which designates the number of copies you want to print.
Default: 1
Symbolic node name that directs printing to a remote printer.
The node name can be one to eight alphanumeric or national characters.
For remote printing, a user ID (one through seven alphanumeric or national characters) defined to the node.
Note: You must define a user ID and a node.
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