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Using the EDCHEK Interface

The EDCHEK feature is the most commonly used ISPF interface and is invoked to validate JCL while in an ISPF Edit session. To use EDCHEK, execute either command !JCK or EJCK. These commands validate the JCL and display the results on the terminal. The command !JCK executes a program while EJCK executes a CLIST, which allows the passing of runtime options. For example, the command ” EJCK LIST” passes the option LIST to display all the reports requested. The command “EJCK PANEL” displays an options panel before executing.

To use the EDCHEK interface:

  1. Place the CA JCLCheck CAZ2LOAD in the LINKLIST, as best practice. The CA JCLCheck CD51LOAD must also be in the LINKLIST when ChekPlex is used. If these libraries cannot go in the LINKLIST, then they must be in the STEPLIB allocation in the TSO logon procedure.

    Note: All the STEPLIB concatenated libraries must be APF-authorized.

  2. Allocate the following libraries to your logon procedure:

    Alternately, you can use the LIBDEF method of allocating your system libraries as follows:

  3. Add the following entries to SYS1.PARMLIB(IKJTSOnn), as APF-authorization for CA JCLCheck in TSO/ISPF mode is required:
  4. Allocate the EDCHKDD DD data set to your TSO logon procedure or logon CLIST.

    The EDCHKDD DD statement allocates a data set that contains CA JCLCheck runtime options.