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CA IdentityMinder as a Windows Service (JBoss 5)

Use this procedure to configure CA IdentityMinder as a service on a JBoss 5 system.

Follow these steps:

  1. Edit the service.bat file found in the JBoss bin folder.
  2. Locate the run.bat lines, which appear as follows:
    call run.bat < .r.lock >> run.log 2>&1
  3. If you have a JBoss cluster, change these lines, so that they appear as follows:
    call run.bat -c all < .r.lock >> run.log 2>&1

    The file contains two occurrences of this line.

  4. Locate the service identity lines, which appear as follows:
    set SVCDISP=JBoss Application Server 5.1
  5. Change these lines, so that they appear as follows:
    set SVCDISP=CA IdentityMinder
  6. Save the file.
  7. From a command prompt, execute the service.bat script to install the Windows Service:
    service.bat install
  8. Using the Services tool, change the service Startup Type from Manual to Automatic.
  9. Start the "CA IdentityMinder" Service.
  10. View the JBoss log to verify a successful launch.