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AuditEvent Element

Audit Event elements specify events to audit. For a list of CA IdentityMinder events per task, use View Task in the User Console.

The AuditEvent element contains multiple AuditProfile and AuditProfileAttribute elements. The database stores member, administrator, and owner policies in compiled XML format. This format is different from the user interface where each policy appears as an expression element.

The AuditEvent element includes the following parameters:


Defines the name of the event to audit.

To audit or exclude an attribute for all events, specify ALL for the event name. For example, to prevent passwords from being audited, regardless of the event, specify the following code:

<AuditEvent name="ALL" auditlevel="">
  <AuditProfile objecttype="User"      auditlevel="">
  <AuditProfileAttribute name="%PASSWORD%" auditlevel="NONE"/>

Determines whether the event is audited. The valid values are as follows:

Note: Use lowercase letters when you specify true or false.


Indicates the type of information that is recorded for an attribute in the audit event.

AuditLevel Values lists the valid values for the AuditLevel element.

Note: Settings in the AuditProfile and AuditProfileAttribute elements take precedence over global settings in the AuditEvent element.