Previous Topic: Configure the Proxy Plug-InNext Topic: Complete the Configuration on IIS

Complete the Configuration on IIS (7.x)

Before starting this procedure, verify that you are using a Version, or later, of the web server plug-in. Earlier versions of the plug-in do not support the Windows Server 2008 operating system.

Follow these steps:

  1. Install IIS Version 7.x with the IIS Version 6.0 Management Compatibility components. IIS Version 6.0 Management Compatibility components are not installed by default.
  2. Complete the following steps to bring up the Server Manager window on Windows Server 2008:
    1. Click Start, Administrative Tools, Server Managers.
    2. Click Action, Add Roles, and then click Next.
    3. Select the Web Server (IIS) role on the Select Server Roles page, and then click Next.
    4. Click Add Feature, Next, when a prompt for the Windows Process Activation Service feature displays
    5. Click Next on the IIS introduction page.
  3. When the Role Services window displays, verify that the following options are selected in addition to the default options that are already selected.
  4. Click Next to enable the selected options, and then click Install on the next window to perform the installation.
  5. Click Close on the Installation Results window when the installation finishes.
  6. Open the Command Prompt and go to :\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\bin.
  7. Run this command: GenPluginCfg.bat.

    The plugin-cfg.xml file will be generated at this location: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\config\cells.

  8. Create a directory under c:\, for example, c:\plugin.
  9. Copy the plugin-cfg.xml file to the c:\plugin directory.
  10. Copy iisWASPlugin_http.dll file to the c:\plugin directory.
  11. Select Start , All Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on a Windows Server 2008 operating system. This action starts the IIS application and creates a new virtual directory for the Web site instance. These instructions assume that you are using the Default Web Site.
  12. Expand the tree on the left until you see Default Web Site.
  13. Right-click Default Web Site,Add Virtual Directory to create the directory with a default installation.
  14. Enter setPlugins in the Alias field on the Virtual Directory Alias window of the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard.
  15. Browse to the c:\plugin directory in the Physical Path field of the Web Site Content Directory window of the wizard, and then click OK.
  16. Click the Test Settings button. If the settings test fails, you can change the permissions of the physical directory. Alternatively, select Connect As, and let IIS connect as a Windows user account that has authority to files in that physical path.
  17. Click OK to add the setPlugins virtual directory to your web site.
  18. Select the setPlugins virtual directory that you just created in the navigations tree.
  19. Double-click Handler Mappings, and then click Edit Feature Permissions on the Actions panel.
  20. Select Script and Execute, if they are not already selected.
  21. Click OK.
  22. Return to the IIS Manager window, and expand the Web Sites folder in the left-hand navigation tree of that window.
  23. Select Default Web Site in the navigation tree.
  24. Complete the following steps on the Default Web Site Properties panel to add the ISAPI filter:
    1. Double-click the ISAPI Filters tab.
    2. Click to open the Add/Edit Filter Properties dialog.
    3. Enter iisWASPlugin in the Filter name field.
    4. Click Browse to select the plug-in file located in the c:\plugin\iisWASPlugin_http.dll directory.
    5. Click OK to close the Add/Edit Filter Properties dialog.
  25. Select the top level server node in the navigation tree.
  26. Double-click ISAPI and CGI Restrictions on the Features panel.

    To determine the value to specify for the ISAPI or CGI Path property, browse to, and then select the same plug-in file that you selected in the previous step. For example:c:\plugin\iisWASPlugin_http.dll.

  27. Click Add on the Actions panel.
  28. Enter WASPlugin in the Description field, select Allow extension path to execute, and then click OK to close the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions dialog window.
  29. Create the new file plugin-cfg.loc in location c:\plugin. Set the value in the plugin-cfg.loc file to the location of the configuration file. The default location is C:\plugin\plugin-cfg.xml.

Update the Web Agent

After configuring IIS 7.x, make the following changes to the web agent:

  1. Click Application pools and change the Default App Pool to Classic mode.
  2. Click Submit.
  3. Make sure the agent is higher in the ISAPI Filters priority list than the plug-in for the application server used by CA IdentityMinder.
  4. Restart IIS Version 7.x and your WebSphere Application Server profile.