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Start Bundle Builder from an Ant Task

You can create and run an Ant script to run Bundle Builder, instead of running the tool from the command line. Ant lets you scrip the entire process of building and packaging your connector

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Ant script, or identify an existing script.
  2. Add the task for running Bundle Builder to the script.
  3. Create an Ant target to use the Bundle Builder task.
  4. Run the Ant script.

The bundle builder tool is started by the Ant script.

Example: ANT Script to Run Bundle Builder

<target name=”osgi-jar-builder “ >
  <taskdef name=”bundlebuilder
    classpath=”${build-dir}/../../../build/BundleBuilder.jar” />
  <bundlebuilder manifestfile=”${basedir}/META-INF/”
    outputdir=”${build-dir}/inst/deploy” />