CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface SynchronizationProvider

public interface SynchronizationProvider

Enables triggering of synchronization operations and contains methods to retrieve synchronization information.

This and all Identity Manager providers are retrieved through ProviderAccessor.

Identity Manager 8.1

Method Summary
 java.util.Vector getCurrentPolicies(User user)
          Retrieves the set of BusinessPolicy objects currently allocated for the specified user.
 java.util.Vector<BusinessPolicy> getMatchingIdentityPolicies(TSContext context, User user, boolean preventative)
          Retrieves the set of BusinessPolicies for which the current directory snapshot of this user matches the member rules.
 java.util.Vector getMatchingIdentityPolicies(User user)
          Retrieves the set of BusinessPolicies for which the current directory snapshot of this user matches the member rules.
 java.util.Vector getMatchingIdentityPolicySets(User user)
          Retrieves the set of business policy sets for which the current directory snapshot of this user matches the member rules.
 void synchronizeUserWithIdentityPolicies(User user, java.util.Vector newAllocations, java.util.Vector reallocations, java.util.Vector deallocations)
          Runs the synchronization calculation on the user in the back end and returns three sets of policies: Newly allocated policies Reallocated polices Deallocated policies
 void synchronizeUserWithIdentityPolicies(User user, java.util.Vector newAllocations, java.util.Vector reallocations, java.util.Vector deallocations, boolean localFlush)
          Runs the synchronization calculation on the user in the back end and returns three sets of policies: Newly allocated policies Reallocated polices Deallocated policies

Method Detail


void synchronizeUserWithIdentityPolicies(User user,
                                         java.util.Vector newAllocations,
                                         java.util.Vector reallocations,
                                         java.util.Vector deallocations)
                                         throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Runs the synchronization calculation on the user in the back end and returns three sets of policies:

user - The User to synchronize.
newAllocations - A Vector that is cleared and populated with the BusinessPolicy objects that are being allocated to the user for the first time.
reallocations - A Vector that is cleared and populated with the APPLY_ALWAYS style of BusinessPolicy objects that have already been allocated to the user but are being applied again.
deallocations - A Vector that is cleared and populated with the BusinessPolicy objects that are being deallocated from the user


void synchronizeUserWithIdentityPolicies(User user,
                                         java.util.Vector newAllocations,
                                         java.util.Vector reallocations,
                                         java.util.Vector deallocations,
                                         boolean localFlush)
                                         throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Runs the synchronization calculation on the user in the back end and returns three sets of policies:

user - The User to synchronize.
newAllocations - A Vector that is cleared and populated with the BusinessPolicy objects that are being allocated to the user for the first time.
reallocations - A Vector that is cleared and populated with the APPLY_ALWAYS style of BusinessPolicy objects that have already been allocated to the user but are being applied again.
deallocations - A Vector that is cleared and populated with the BusinessPolicy objects that are being deallocated from the user
localFlush - Indicates whether the user's information in the policy cache should first be flushed before evaluating


java.util.Vector getMatchingIdentityPolicies(User user)
                                             throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Retrieves the set of BusinessPolicies for which the current directory snapshot of this user matches the member rules. No additional logic is applied with the %IDENTITY_POLICY% attribute; this is strictly a set of policies where the user matches the member rule.

user - The user to check.
A Vector of BusinessPolicy objects.


java.util.Vector<BusinessPolicy> getMatchingIdentityPolicies(TSContext context,
                                                             User user,
                                                             boolean preventative)
                                                             throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Retrieves the set of BusinessPolicies for which the current directory snapshot of this user matches the member rules. No additional logic is applied with the %IDENTITY_POLICY% attribute; this is strictly a set of policies where the user matches the member rule.

context - Task context
user - The user to check.
preventative - Check for preventative identity policy violations
A Vector of BusinessPolicy objects.


java.util.Vector getMatchingIdentityPolicySets(User user)
                                               throws com.netegrity.sdk.apiutil.SmApiException
Retrieves the set of business policy sets for which the current directory snapshot of this user matches the member rules. No additional logic is applied with the %IDENTITY_POLICY% attribute; this is strictly a set of policy sets where the user matches the member rule.

user - The user to check.
A Vector of BusinessPolicySet objects.


java.util.Vector getCurrentPolicies(User user)
Retrieves the set of BusinessPolicy objects currently allocated for the specified user.

user - The user to check.
A Vector of BusinessPolicy objects.

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.