CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface RelationshipProvider

public interface RelationshipProvider

Method Summary
 boolean getOwnsRelated()
          True if the related objects are owned by the primary object.
 ObjectType getRelatedObjectType()
          Returns the object type of the secondary managed object this relationship provider knows how to relate the primary managed object to
 java.lang.String getReverseReferenceAttribute()
          Returns the attribute that this relationship is represented by in the reverse direction.
 boolean isCopyable()
          Flags whether relationship is copyable, and as such references to its related objects will be copied when the object itself is copied
 boolean isPersistRelated()
          Returns true if the related objects are persisted with the relationship.
 boolean isPersistWithPrimary()
          Returns true if the relationship should be persisted with its primary object.
 void setCopyable(boolean copyable)
          Set whether relationship is copyable or not
 void setOwnsRelated(boolean ownsRelated)
          Set whether the relationship objects are owned by the primary object.
 void setPersistRelated(boolean persistRelated)
          Overrides the default persistence behavior of the related objects
 void setPersistWithPrimary(boolean persistWithPrimary)
          Overrides the default persistence behavior or the relationship
 void setReverseReferenceAttribute(java.lang.String reverseReferenceAttribute)
          Set the reverse reference attribute.

Method Detail


ObjectType getRelatedObjectType()
Returns the object type of the secondary managed object this relationship provider knows how to relate the primary managed object to

ObjectType for homogenous collection, ObjectType.ALL for heterogenous collections


boolean isPersistWithPrimary()
Returns true if the relationship should be persisted with its primary object. If true, then the modifyObject method of the primary object should call the persist method of this object.


void setPersistWithPrimary(boolean persistWithPrimary)
Overrides the default persistence behavior or the relationship

persistWithPrimary -


boolean isPersistRelated()
Returns true if the related objects are persisted with the relationship. If true, then the modifyObject methods of the current objects will be called during the persist method of this object. Likewise, deleteObject will be called on those objects if they are no longer a part of the relationship and getOwnsRelated() is true. If false, nothing is done for the related objects.


void setPersistRelated(boolean persistRelated)
Overrides the default persistence behavior of the related objects

persistRelated -


boolean getOwnsRelated()
True if the related objects are owned by the primary object. This implies that the related objects should be deleted when the objects are removed from the relationship.


void setOwnsRelated(boolean ownsRelated)
Set whether the relationship objects are owned by the primary object.


java.lang.String getReverseReferenceAttribute()
Returns the attribute that this relationship is represented by in the reverse direction. This is used to set up a limited reverse relationship connected to the relationship objects created by this provider.


void setReverseReferenceAttribute(java.lang.String reverseReferenceAttribute)
Set the reverse reference attribute.


boolean isCopyable()
Flags whether relationship is copyable, and as such references to its related objects will be copied when the object itself is copied


void setCopyable(boolean copyable)
Set whether relationship is copyable or not

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.