CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface TriggerRule

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
MemberRule, ScopeRule

public interface TriggerRule
extends java.lang.Cloneable

A base interface for defining one or more conditions which must be met before an object, such as a user, can be associated with a role. For example:

Note: The term "trigger rule" has been replaced by "policy condition." However, some code element names may retain the former term.

Identity Manager 8.1

Method Summary
 EvaluationType getEvaluationType()
          Returns the evaluation type of this rule.
 java.lang.String marshall()
          Creates a serialized String representation of this rule which can be used for transmission/storage of the rule.
 java.lang.String marshall(boolean bCDATA)
          Creates a serialized String representation of this rule which can be used for transmission/storage of the rule.
 boolean wouldMatch(TSContext ctx, ManagedObject obj, java.lang.StringBuffer message)
          Specifies whether the current form of this managed object matches the rule.

Method Detail


java.lang.String marshall(boolean bCDATA)

Creates a serialized String representation of this rule which can be used for transmission/storage of the rule.

bCDATA - If true, the marshalled form will wrap the contents of the rule in a CDATA block.
A String representation of this rule.


java.lang.String marshall()

Creates a serialized String representation of this rule which can be used for transmission/storage of the rule.

A String representation of this rule.


EvaluationType getEvaluationType()

Returns the evaluation type of this rule.

The evaluation type is determined by what kinds of constraints make up the rule. The Identity Manager back end uses this information to determine how to evaluate the rule.

An enumerated value from EvaluationType.


boolean wouldMatch(TSContext ctx,
                   ManagedObject obj,
                   java.lang.StringBuffer message)
                   throws SmApiException

Specifies whether the current form of this managed object matches the rule.

ctx - The context in which the rule is evaluated.
obj - The managed object to check.
message - Output parameter for an exception message.
true if the managed object matches the rule.

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


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