CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface MembershipPolicy

All Superinterfaces:
ModifiableObject, Policy,

public interface MembershipPolicy
extends Policy

Defines a membership policy for a role.

A membership policy contains:

Identity Manager 8.1
See Also:

Method Summary
 ScopeRule getScopeRule(ObjectType type)
          Retrieves the scope rule for the specified managed object type.
 ScopeRule getScopeRule(ObjectType type, ScopePurpose sp)
          Retrieves the scope rule for the specified managed object type.
 java.util.Map getScopeRules()
          Get a Map representing all the scope rules in this policy
 java.util.Vector getScopeRules(java.util.Set types, ScopePurpose sp)
          Retrieves the set of scope rules for the specified managed object type set.
 void removeScopingRule(ObjectType type)
          Removes the scope rule for the specified managed object type.
 void removeScopingRule(ObjectType type, ScopePurpose sp)
          Removes the scope rule for the specified managed object type.
 void setScopeRule(ObjectType type, ScopePurpose sp, ScopeRule rule)
          Sets the scope rule for the specified managed object type.
 void setScopeRule(ObjectType type, ScopeRule rule)
          Sets the scope rule for the specified managed object type.
 java.util.Map setScopeRules(java.util.Map t)
          Replaces the set of scope rule for this policy with the ones from the map passed in.
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.policy.Policy
getMemberRule, getRole, getTriggerRule, setMemberRule, setTriggerRule
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.abstractinterface.ModifiableObject
modifyObject, modifyObject

Method Detail


ScopeRule getScopeRule(ObjectType type)

Retrieves the scope rule for the specified managed object type. If a scope rule is not defined for this object type, the method returns null.

type - The type of managed object whose scope rule is being retrieved.
The scope rule for this managed object type, or null if no scope rule is defined for this object type.


ScopeRule getScopeRule(ObjectType type,
                       ScopePurpose sp)

Retrieves the scope rule for the specified managed object type. If a scope rule is not defined for this object type, the method returns null.

type - The type of managed object whose scope rule is being retrieved.
The scope rule for this managed object type, or null if no scope rule is defined for this object type.


java.util.Vector getScopeRules(java.util.Set types,
                               ScopePurpose sp)

Retrieves the set of scope rules for the specified managed object type set. If a scope rule is not defined for this object type, the method returns an empty map.

types - The set of managed ObjectType's whose scope rules are being retrieved.
The set of scope rules for the given set of managed object types, or empty Vector if no scope rule is defined for this object type.


void setScopeRule(ObjectType type,
                  ScopeRule rule)

Sets the scope rule for the specified managed object type.

type - The type of managed object whose scope rule is being set.
rule - The scope rule to set for the managed object type.


void setScopeRule(ObjectType type,
                  ScopePurpose sp,
                  ScopeRule rule)

Sets the scope rule for the specified managed object type.

type - The type of managed object whose scope rule is being set.
rule - The scope rule to set for the managed object type.


void removeScopingRule(ObjectType type)

Removes the scope rule for the specified managed object type. If the policy does not have a scope rule defined for this object type, the method succeeds.

type - The type of managed object whose scope rule is being removed.


void removeScopingRule(ObjectType type,
                       ScopePurpose sp)

Removes the scope rule for the specified managed object type. If the policy does not have a scope rule defined for this object type, the method succeeds.

type - The type of managed object whose scope rule is being removed.


java.util.Map setScopeRules(java.util.Map t)
Replaces the set of scope rule for this policy with the ones from the map passed in.

t - A Map of ObjectType-to-ScopeRule. Keys are ObjectType, and values are scope rules
A Map containing the former scope rules of this policy


java.util.Map getScopeRules()
Get a Map representing all the scope rules in this policy

A Map of ObjectType-to-ScopeRule. Keys are ObjectType, and values are scope rules

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


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