CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Package com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.plugin

Contains classes that let you develop plug-in components.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractDescriptorPluginFactory Read all of the framework.xml files in the class path and load all of the plug-ins that they define.

Package com.netegrity.llsdk6.imsapi.plugin Description

Contains classes that let you develop plug-in components.

This model is based on three major objects. First, a plug-in manager PluginManager is responsible for finding all the plug-in factories that are present, for invoking each factory to create the plug-in instances, and for managing the collection of plug-ins that are present. The other two objects are the plug-in factories and the plug-in instances. The factories are implementations of a very simple interface ImsPluginFactory that returns a collection of plug-in instances. There is a common plug-in interface ImsPlugin that each plug-in component instance must implement which allows control of the plug-in lifecycle and helps with plug-in management. Each plug-in object can, of course, implement an arbitrary number of other interfaces to actually perform its function.

This basic interface only does some simple lifecycle management, and provides access to the set of plug-ins—any additional semantics are built in a layer above the basic architecture.

The system provides no guarantee of the order that plug-ins will be resolved in, and has no provision for inter-plug-in dependencies. Therefore, no plug-in may be dependant on functionality from another plug-in—plug-ins can only be dependent on the core CA Identity Manager functionality.

Plug-in Manager

The Plug-in Manager lives in the LLSDK so that all levels of CA Identity Manager can access the plug-in collection without introducing dependencies to the LLSDK. While the basic plug-in interfaces also live in the LLSDK, each plug-in implementation may also implement interfaces that the LLSDK knows nothing about.

There are two different ways to get a Plug-in Manager, and the behavior of the interface is different depending on how you acquire it.

You can acquire a “global Plug-in Manager” by using a static factory function on the ImsApi object. This Plug-in Manager works only with the set of ‘global’ plug-ins, i.e. plug-ins that are not associated with an environment. Any factory that identifies as a global factory will be invoked when the ImsApi’s static initializer runs, and the plug-ins generated by these factories will be the global plug-ins which can be managed by the global Plug-in Manager.

A Plug-in Manager interface is also accessible via a new accessor method on the ImsEnvironment object. The manager you get from this method is an “environment level” plug-in manager. This manager has access to both the collection of global plug-ins and the collection of plug-ins associated with this environment. When the environment instance is first created, all the factories that identify as ‘environment level factories’ are invoked to create their plug-ins. This invocation is passed the environment object, so that the factories can read/write configuration data, etc, to the linked data of the environment. (I.e. what plug-ins an environment level factory returns may depend on configuration data in the environment.) Additionally, each plug-in instance created by a factory invoked from the manager may have access to a reference to the environment. This means that the plug-ins themselves can read/write to the additional properties of the environment to store configuration information. So not only we decide what plug-ins to create based on stored data, but each instance can also be configured based on stored data.

An environment-level plug-in manager responds to requests for plug-ins with a List that includes all global plug-ins of that key and all plug-ins of that key for this environment.

The Plug-in Manager has two major methods: initPlugins, which trigger the scanning of factories and building of the plug-in lists, and getPlugins, which returns a List of plug-ins of a specified type.

initPlugins takes no parameters, but does pass along a reference to the environment “under the covers”. For the global init, this parameter will be null.

The getPlugins method will include a lazy init check—if initPlugins has not yet happened, invoking getPlugins will trigger it.

Invoking the initPlugins method after it has previously been invoked will cause the current plug-in set to be cleanly destroyed (i.e. their cleanup() methods invoked and the internal collections emptied) and the scan/build process will be re-run. This might be done to force a rebuild of the plug-in set, or to reflect changes made to the environment settings.

(Like all other environment settings, changes to plug-in configurations will require a cluster restart, since they are persisted to the policy store, but not reflected in-memory in any server instances besides the one they are made in.)

getPlugins takes a String parameter which is the key for the type of plug-ins you want to enumerate. A List of ImsPlugin objects which match that key are returned. If there are no matching plug-ins the method succeeds and returns an empty list.

Plug-in Factory

Every plug-in jar should include at least one implementation of one of the ImsPluginFactory interfaces (if it doesn’t, it’s kind of useless as a plug-in jar since it won’t create any plug-in instances), and the implementating classes must live in the com.netegrity.ims.plugin.factory package.

Both ImsGlobalPluginFactory and ImsEnvironmentPluginFactory are descendants of a common ImsPluginFactory interface, which has no methods. The plug-in manager differentiates global and environment-level plug-in factories based on whether or not the factory implements these interfaces. A given implementing class could actually implement both interfaces and return different lists for global and environment-level behaviour.

Each interface has only one method, createPluginInstances.

The ImsGlobalPluginFactory version of this method takes no parameters. The ImsEnvironmentPluginFactory version takes an ImsEnvironment object.

In either case the createPluginInstances method returns a List of instances of ImsPlugin. Any given factory can return one or more plug-ins, and the plug-ins can be of the same, or of differing types (i.e. can all have the same key, or many different keys).

Plug-in Interface

The ImsPlugin interface, which must be implemented by each plug-in (indeed, being a plug-in is defined by implementing this interface) covers three main areas: plug-in lifecycle, plug-in management, and reporting.

The plug-in lifecycle methods allow rudimentary control of state information in the plug-in. The init() method is invoked when the plug-in is first created, the start() method is invoked when the system first plans to use the plug-in, and the cleanup() method is called when the system is removing references to the plug-in instance. The isStarted() method is used to determine if a specific plug-in instance has been started already.

Plug-in management is controlled by the getPluginTypeKeys method. This method returns a List of Objects that are type keys for this plug-in. This allows the plug-in to be associated with one or more keys.

The reporting methods can be used to show information about plug-ins. In addition to the isStarted method, there are methods to get a name, a description, and a version


CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.