CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Class ErrorLevel

  extended by com.netegrity.ims.tabhandlers.ErrorLevel

public class ErrorLevel
extends java.lang.Object

Represents the status of an operation that occurred during the synchronous phase of task processing. The error level and any associated text are displayed on the task screen.

Status messages can be system messages defined by Identity Manager, or they can be user-defined. Messages are defined through IMSException.

ProcessStep specifies the task processing stage where the operation occurred.

IdentityMinder 6.0

Field Summary
static ErrorLevel ERROR
          Represents an error that must be resolved before the task is submitted.
static ErrorLevel FATAL
          Represents an error that must be resolved before the task is submitted.
static ErrorLevel INFO
          Represents an informational message -- this is not an error and does not have to be resolved.
static ErrorLevel SUCCESS
          Represents a success message.
static ErrorLevel UNKNOWN
          Represents an unknown error level.
static ErrorLevel WARNING
          Represents a warning message -- this is not an error and does not have to be resolved.
Method Summary
static ErrorLevel fromString(java.lang.String value)
          Retrieves the enumerated value mapped to the specified description.
 int marshall()
          Retrieves an integer value representing this error level.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Retrieves the description of the error level represented by this object.
static ErrorLevel unmarshall(int code)
          Retrieves the ErrorLevel value that corresponds to the specified integer value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final ErrorLevel UNKNOWN
Represents an unknown error level. Typically indicates an unmarshalling or other error.


public static final ErrorLevel SUCCESS
Represents a success message.


public static final ErrorLevel INFO
Represents an informational message -- this is not an error and does not have to be resolved.


public static final ErrorLevel WARNING
Represents a warning message -- this is not an error and does not have to be resolved.


public static final ErrorLevel ERROR
Represents an error that must be resolved before the task is submitted.


public static final ErrorLevel FATAL
Represents an error that must be resolved before the task is submitted.

Method Detail


public int marshall()

Retrieves an integer value representing this error level.

This method is intended for marshalling objects for serialization over the wire or to persistant storage. Using it for any other purpose will likely cause unpredictable results.

An integer representing this error level.


public static ErrorLevel unmarshall(int code)

Retrieves the ErrorLevel value that corresponds to the specified integer value.

This method is intended for unmarshalling objects from serialization for the wire or from persistant storage. Using it for any other purpose will likely cause unpredictable results.

code - An integer representing a particular error level value.
The ErrorLevel value corresponding to the input parameter. If the value cannot be understood, ErrorLevel.UNKNOWN is returned.


public java.lang.String toString()
Retrieves the description of the error level represented by this object.

toString in class java.lang.Object
Description of the error level.


public static ErrorLevel fromString(java.lang.String value)
Retrieves the enumerated value mapped to the specified description.

The enumerated error level value.

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


© 2011 CA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.