CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


Interface ViewTaskEvent

All Superinterfaces:

Deprecated. since Identity Manager 8.1. Please use AuditEvent

public interface ViewTaskEvent
extends IMEvent

This is a marker interface that Identity Manager implements when a View... event is executed. When this event occurs, Identity Manager moves the event state from the Pre-approval state to the Post-execution state.

ViewTaskEvent is generated for any View... event that occurs.

It is sometimes useful for an event listener to "listen for" this event, and to take the appropriate action (including taking no action) if ViewTaskEvent is generated. For example, suppose your event listener is listening for any event in the User class of events. There are many events in this class (such as ModifyUserEvent, EnableUserEvent, DeleteUserEvent, AddToGroupEvent, etc.). Your event listener may have to test for each event and take a different action in each case. However, a simple ViewUserEvent (which implements ViewTaskEvent) would likely require the event listener to take no action. In that case, the event listener could simply exit without doing any further testing and without taking any action.

IdentityMinder 6.0

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface com.netegrity.imapi.IMEvent
getDescription, getEventName, getSourceID, getSourceName, getSourceType, isSystemGenerated

CA Identity Manager
Java SDK r12.5 SP 8


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