Identity Manager environments let you manage objects in a directory with a set of roles and tasks. Use the Identity Manager environment wizard to guide you through the steps to create an Identity Manager environment.
Note the following before creating an Identity Manager environment:
To create an Identity Manager environment
The Identity Manager environment wizard opens.
Specifies a unique name for the environment
Describes the environment
Specifies a unique name that is added to the URL for accessing protected tasks in the Identity Manager environment. For example, when the alias is employees, the URL for accessing the employee environment is
Note: The alias is case sensitive and cannot contain spaces. We recommend using lowercase letters without punctuation or spaces when you specify the alias.
Specifies the URL for CA Identity Manager. Do not include the alias, for example,
If you are using a Web Agent, the Base URL should be changed to reflect the URL of the Web Agent.
Note: If you are using a Web Agent to protect Identity Manager resources, do not specify a port number in the Base URL field. If you are using a Web Agent and the Base URL contains a port number, the links to Identity Manager tasks will not work properly.
For more information about protecting Identity Manager resources, see the Installation Guide for your application server.
Click Next.
Note: You are not prompted to select a provisioning server if you selected a Provisioning directory as the Identity Manager directory.
Note: To enable users to use self-service tasks, configure public task support.
Example: You would use the following URL to access the default self-registration task:
In this URL, alias is the unique name that you supply.
Click Validate to view the user’s full identifier.
Creates a set of default tasks and roles that are initially available in the environment. Administrators can use these tasks and roles as templates for creating new tasks and roles in the User Console.
Creates only the System Manager role and the tasks associated with it.
The System Manager role is required to access the environment.
A System Manager can create new tasks and roles in the User Console.
Imports a role definition file that you exported from another Identity Manager environment.
Note: To use the Identity Manager environment, the role definitions file must include at least the System Manager role or a role that includes similar tasks.
Select the Import roles from the file option button, and type the path and filename of the role definitions file or browse for the file to import.
Role Definitions files are XML files that define a set of tasks and roles required to support specific features. For example, if you need to manage Active Directory and UNIX NIS endpoints, select those Role Definitions files.
Note: This step is optional. If you do not want to create additional default tasks to support new functionality, skip this screen.
CA Identity Manager adds the complete identifier of the user to the list of users.
Note the following when specifying the System Manager:
The user must be able to execute all those tasks on any user. The Provisioning Synchronization Manager role contains the provisioning tasks that are included in the default inbound mappings.
A page summarizing the settings for the environment appears.
The Environment Configuration Output screen displays the progress of the environment creation.
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